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My mom and dad My mom is the worst of all m&m's. That's what a) dad says. She then makes him coffee, dad reads the newspaper and he is satisfied. When my mother is naïve, sometimes she can't think wisely. Veera too. Well. I drew them pretty flowers and around them pino vorarch dots. We're a fool, he thought, but she didn't know at all that a scale can be drawn, She doesn't know anything like me. He also talks about the fact that I have a nocturnal dog, Koko, with whom we talk and sometimes I can forget him in my sleep. I prefer to have mom and dad on Saturdays. In the morning, see where he wakes up. Then I quickly jump into bed with them to tell me fairy tales. And I can ask them anything I want. I quite like having my mom on Sundays too, because she fills our house with the best aromas: soup, meat, potato, and sometimes apple and pudding. In addition, it is good to play animals with mom, because she knows how to tickle and throw. Sometimes dad also wants to play with us. He wants to be like Peik the horse, but his hair is too little. He has the same face there. And so biva
očko always fishes so that he doesn't have to talk a lot and can read the newspaper.
1. What does dad say to mom?
2. When will mom make dad coffee? Circle the correct option.
a) when he is satisfied
b) when he reads the newspaper
c) when he says that she is the most beautiful
3. What picture did the little girl draw? Can you imitate him?
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