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Your home needs to be the safest place for your family to be at all times. You want to know that while your family is away, your home remains secure. You can find some great advice concerning the safety of your home in this article.

If you are a female and living alone, it's understandable that you may feel afraid about home invasions. People are more likely to try to take advantage of women. Try placing a pair of big, muddy boots on your front step to give the appearance of a man staying in the house.

A survey taken by police officials reveals that 85 percent of them believe a home is more protected when equipped with a security system. Also, 60 percent of attempted burglaries are unsuccessful when the targeted home has a security system. For this reason, home insurance companies give a discount if the home has a security system.

Get to know your neighbors. Your neighbors are a valuable resource that can help keep an eye on your home when you cannot. When neighbors watch out for each other, you can be alerted if anything suspicious is occurring. Keep an ear out for neighborhood gossip too! If you hear about houses in your area being broken into, it might be time to step up security.

Walk out to the street and then turn back to your home. What can you see through the windows? Is there anything valuable in view? If so, you need to move the objects out of sight. They simply give burglars a reason to target your home. If relocating the objects isn't a possibility, invest in shades or curtains to obscure them from view.

Do not list your full name in the phone book or on your mail box. This can give possible intruders a lot of information about you and allow them break into your home a lot easier. Instead, only list your last name and possibly your first initial, this is much safer.

One of the best ways to keep your home safe is to get to know your neighbors. Neighbors will look out for each other. Also, getting to know your neighbors is a great way to find out what is happening in your neighborhood. They will let you know if strangers have been around and other useful information on keeping your home safe.

Whenever you lose one key, you must replace that lock. You never know if you actually lost it or someone who knows where you live stole it, and this puts you in peril. Even if it is a key to your car, it is important to have the lock rekeyed or replaced for your safety.

As silly as it may seem, stop having newspapers delivered if you are going on vacation. Intruders will see all of the papers piling up and will realize that no one is home, making it more likely for them to break in. Call the delivery company and tell them when you will come back and when you want them to start delivering again.

Never put your full name in the phone book, on your mailbox or in a buzz code directory. Include only your first initial and last name to ensure people can't take that information and use it to make you think they are someone you should be letting into your home.

A wireless DIY home security system may be much less expensive than systems owned and installed by home security companies, but it lacks some important advantages. Unless you are experienced, you may no install the system correctly. Also, if the system fails you are completely responsible for any repairs. There is also no connection to the police.

Like many today, your budget may be tight and you may think it is going to be difficult to take steps to increase the security of your home. This security measure will not cost you anything but your time. If your landscaping includes shrubs and hedges, keep them pruned back so they do not hide potential entry points for intruders. Some intruders use overgrown plants to hide behind while they are attempting to break in through a window.

The best lock for an external door is at least one inches and a throw deadbolt unit. These are nearly impossible to break into and ensure no one will be getting through your defenses. Interior doors don't need such locks as they're not open to the outside world, so you can use doorknob locks there.

If you have pets then you might be leery about having a home security system installed, out of fear of the pets setting it off all the time. Discuss these concerns prior to purchasing a system, and a good company should be able to set your system to not be too sensitive.

If you get home and the door is open, don't go in. The thief may remain inside. Instead, call 911 and report a possible break-in.

If you really feel you need a spare key around, don't hide it under your doormat or in the garage. Instead, give it to a neighbor you trust. In fact, swapping keys with them ensures both of your homes are safe, but you can get in if you lose your own keys.

If your door has a numeric keypad lock, never make its password your birth date. Anyone can find your birth date in your mail or on your social networks and can then access your home. Rather, try and make your combination the answer to an equation so that you only need to remember an equation instead of an actual series of numbers.

Even if you are working in your back yard, keep your door locked. This is a crime that is becoming more common where a crook will distract you in the back yard, while their accomplice goes into your home and steals from you. If your door is locked, this is not as easy and they will go elsewhere.

Looking for ? Go no further. How are you going to use it in your home? Continue investigating the many options open to you until you find the right system for your needs.

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