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Discover the Mystery Behind ClassNotFoundException and Learn How to Tackle it
Table of Contents 1. Reasons for ClassNotFoundException 2. The most effective method to Handle ClassNotFoundException 3. End
What is ClassNotFoundException and How to Handle it?

ClassNotFoundException is an exception that can emerge when an application attempts to load a class at runtime yet the class isn't found in the classpath. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException is thrown when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can't find the class definition that has been determined in the source code.

Reasons for ClassNotFoundException

ClassNotFoundException can be caused by an assortment of reasons. A portion of the normal causes incorporate:

Incorrect class name
Class isn't present in the classpath
Class is present in the classpath however it isn't available
The class is present however the classloader can't load it

The most effective method to Handle ClassNotFoundException

The most ideal approach to manage ClassNotFoundException is to guarantee that the class is present in the classpath. On the off chance that the class is present yet not available, at that point the application ought to be arranged to give the classloader admittance to the class. On the off chance that the class is present however the classloader can't load it, at that point the application ought to be restarted.

Besides, it is additionally significant to check the class name for spelling mistakes and survey the source code to ensure that the class is being loaded accurately. Additionally, the application ought to be tried with various forms of the JVM to ensure that the class is being loaded accurately.


ClassNotFoundException is a typical special case that can happen when an application attempts to load a class at runtime. It can be caused by an assortment of reasons, for example, incorrect class name, class not present in the classpath, class not available, or classloader unfit to load the class. The most ideal approach to manage ClassNotFoundException is to guarantee that the class is present in the classpath, check the class name for spelling mistakes, and test the application with various forms of the JVM. The last article ought to be around 1000 words.
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