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Scout - Scout will be at the end of the hall, if you don't look at cams (looking outside the room) he will get out of his section and when he's fully out, he'll either run down the hall in 20 seconds or run down the hall when you looks at him. Close the door to stop him.
Soldier - Soldier will be in the room to the left of the office, he will be talking with Demoman until you make too much noise (door, distractions, and people hitting the door), if you see soldier approaching, stop being load, stop making noise, and be quiet, The door won't stop him.
Pyro - Pyro will be in the office, just watching TV if he stares at you, change the channel, QUICKLY
Demoman - Demoman will be in the room to the left of the office, he will be talking with Soldier, until he gets bored, when he approaches, Put something in between him and your head, he's drunk so he'll think your someone else, The door won't stop him
Heavy - Heavy will be chatting with medic in the living room, when he makes eye contact with you then he will start approaching the office, you have to close the door, and he will stay at that door until you hear footsteps, then he went back to the living room.
Engineer - Engineer will be in the office, every hour he will offer a game of Rock Paper Scissors, if you win, he can convince someone to stop attacking you for a bit, if you guys tie, then nothing happens, if you lose, One random person will become more aggressive, but Pyro will watch TV for longer, Engineer can't directly kill you
Medic - Medic will be chatting with Heavy in the living room, when he notices that 3 or more of his colleagues have left their rooms, he will start roaming the building to find out why, play an audio lure (distraction) The Door will only make him wander in your direction, and when he is sure that you are there, he will stay there, until Sniper or Spy are next to him, Then he moves away.
Sniper - Sniper will be in the kitchen, arguing with Spy, If he wins the argument, he will be in a good mood, and then Come in just to see Engineer, If he loses, then he will be mad and will come to the office, close the door to stop him, You will be able to tell what mood he is in, It will be VERY apparent
Spy - Spy will be in the kitchen, arguing with Sniper, If he wins, He will go annoy Heavy because yes, If Spy loses, he will come to the office, put something in between him and your face, because to him it appears as a disguise and he is not as his best during argument. The door wont work as spy.
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Regards; Team

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