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"Knight D6 checkmate." Blarr said over to his friend while playing chess. "How'd you get me with a knight!?" His friend, Sean replied." Blarr then said, "Wow, according to the chess ranking i'm now placed at 902." "NINE-O-TWO!?" "Yea, but anyways, when's the meeting happening today? It should have happened now." asked Blarr, "I don-" Replied Sean before getting interrupted by Their leader, Sash. "Urgent meeting! Urgent meeting! Everyone must report to the meeting hall!" Sash shouted out loud to gather everyone. "Well, it did happen now, we gotta' go!" Blarr excitedly said and ran out the cabin door before Sean had a chance to reply, "Hold on!" When they finally arrived in the hall Sash made a depressing announcement to the duo.
"So, as you all ay know, Sector 4 is getting overpopulated. We have decided to send some people over to the other Sectors." Quite a bit of gasps arose from the crowd, one the crowd even whined. "We are moving a total of 8 people to Sectors 3 and 9." A few names were called for Sector 3, five in total. Then Sash announced who would be going to Sector 9. "Now for the ones moving to Sector 9, Grad D. Helm O. and finally, Blarr G." Blarr stood blankly when his name was called before Being escorted onto a bus by security. Whenever on the bus he saw a bag with his belongings but most importantly he saw everyone seemed emotionless, yet horribly depressed. It just stayed silent, until a problem arose. Someone popped from the shadows, infected with a virus that takes control of the host and limits them from any decisions. This virus is the reason there are "Sectors" to provide safety over the ones who aren't infected. The driver was surprised by the infected jumping Infront and swerved the bus down a fairly steep mountain. The passengers fell of their seats and went barreling towards the door. Helm blurted, "WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" The driver desperately tried to turn the vehicle around and hit the brakes, but the rain caused his decisions to only send himself out a window. shortly after Blarr hit the door opening it and fell out, but before Blarr could hit the ground Helm reached out and grabbed ahold of his jacket, "CAREFULL!" Blarr was holding onto his jacket to prevent falling out, then eventually Blarr saw a dirt mound and tugged on his jacket which sent both him and Helm out of the bus and onto the pile. Blarr instantly blacked out from the impact, yet Helm suffered almost no harm, just a few scratches and blood was on her left arm. "Oh my gosh, I- I'm out- Oh my gosh, I'm outside. I'm only a- a Orange..." An Orange is a rank in fighting that was been based on the infection, there are seven tiers to it. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. It's from the way infected are ranked. An infected has a spot on their head that shows how dangerous they are to encounter. "I need to find a safe place; it's going to be hard to drag him though. Where's the nearest cave?" Helm Grabbed him by the foot and dragged him trying to find shelter, eventually Helm found a tiny hut made of sticks laying on two trees with leaves on top. "Wow, people do actually make this stuff. I'll put him inside and keep watch out here." A blue infected walked from around the corner and Helm jumped behind a bolder to avoid being seen. The infected then spotted a blood stain on one of the sticks which got their attention and sparked them to start walking over. Helm saw this and whispered, "Oh no... Oh no... I need to do something..." Helm took a stick from the shelter and grinded a piece of the bolder off and took a chipped rock, threw it, striking the infected in the head knocking them over. Helm took a glimpse of the damage and the blue spot on its head became red with blood. "Alright, I need to dispo-" Helm stopped speaking as the infected got up and ran at her. "WOAH!" Helm threw the stick that she was holding into the infected's chest once again knocking them over, but this time onto the sharp boulder killing it instantly. "Is- Is It dead?" Helm lifted the boulder and stuffed some of the infected's leg under the boulder to keep it from escaping if it ever wakes. Helm looked up towards the sky after this encounter spacing out and noticed it was brighter than before. "It has to be day soon; I'm going to need to get him up. Maybe some water will help." Helm looked around looking for a puddle knowing it rained and found one in no time; Helm scooped up water with her hands and went over to Blarr to dump it directly onto Blarrs's head. This woke Blarr up and Blarr Hollowed, "HUH?!" In response Helm spoke, "You're finally awake, I didn't know how long it would take you." "Hold on." Blarr responded, "Did this happen when I pulled us out of the bus?" "Yeah, it did. I'm surprised that I didn't go out with you." "What fighting rank are you? I'm a green." "Oh, I'm a... I'm Orange" "Okay, I see... Wait, do you know where the bus is?" "No, I do not, why? "That bus had our bags in it. It would be great to find it." "You're right, we should wait for the sun to rise more, it's safer that way." "Yeah, you're right." They then Talked for a while getting to know each other and bonded. Soon enough, the sun was rolling high, and they decided to head out and retrieve their belongings. "Well would you look at that." Blarr said after looking into the sky "The sun's pretty high up, wanna' look for those bags now?" "Sure! just be careful on our way over to the bus." "You made that clear whilst ON the bus." The two then walked in the direction the bus was tumbling down, it started to get steep and just continued that way, getting steeper and steeper until they knew there would be no retrieving their items. "Well." Blarr said after looking how steep the mountain was getting. "We're not getting those back, it'll be best to look for shelter, wouldn't ya' say?" "Yeah, you're right." They started to walk back, and Helm heard something, she heard screaming, "Blarr you hear that? C'mon we got to run over there!" Helm gripped Blarr's hand, and they started to run over to the screaming at saw a swarm of orange and yellow infected next to the bus that they were in, surprisingly standing upwards. Blarr ran into the swarm and knocked over two oranges that Helm finished before being thrown by a yellow and attacked by another orange. Blarr teared the oranges leg off while Helm was taking on two oranges at once, so Blarr threw the leg at one of the oranges Helm was fighting and she started to use the leg as a weapon. Suddenly blood splattered onto Blarr's face when a yellow fell next to him. Blarr quickly started to brush the blood off before being thrown into the bus and a mysterious man yelled, "HIT THEM!" so Blarr drove the bus directly into the crowd as Helm jumped away to avoid being hit. The swarm was gone and Blarr got off the bus and asked, "Who are you?" and they responded, "I'm Marty owner and host of your local Pancake Place!" "The Pancake Place?" "Indeed! hop into this bus here, I'll bring you there." Blarr and Helm got into the bus and told Marty about what had happened and how they arrived at this point. After they finished Marty said, "Wow, I'm still surprised I found your bus! Anyway, we're almost there, so if you want to get your bags then you should do that now." Blarr and Helm got their bags from the compartments under the seat. After they collected their baggage, the bus came to a halt and Marty spoke out, "We're here! This is actually a "Sub-Shelter" so you both have to sign some papers to enter, but not as much... It is just a Sub-Shelter after all." They all got off the bus and sat at a counter, Marty sat on the other side and gave both of them a single piece of paper and asked for their signatures. Blarr read it through and asked, "So we are all going to sleep in the same room?" Marty replied, "Yep! Don't worry though, it's decently big and you will be provided with sleeping bags." "Oh okay, I see." "Anyways, would you two like an area to put your belongings? Helm and Blarr both agreed to get a space for their items. Marty walked them over to a room with 6 small cabinets; They both emptied their items into the cabinets, then Marty asked, "Would you two mind going on a supply run? Helm replied, "Sure, Blarr you want ta' go?" "Alright!" Blarr replied, "Do we get any weapons?" Blarr turned over to Marty for an answer, "Yeah, you do, I have two knives and an "AIRBORN" rock; The rock is actually pretty sharp and flies decently well." Helm said, "I'll take a knife, I cannot aim very well." Blarr replied, "Take both knives, If the rock Is sharp enough, I'll take it." "Okay..." Both took the weapons the agreed on and left to look for supplies. Eventually They two ran into three infected two blues, and one indigo. "Shush." Helm whispered, "Two blues, one indigo." It was too far too late and a blue heard them and walked over Helm quickly jumped out and stabbed it knowing they wouldn't be hidden for long, the indigo charged at Helm, but Blarr threw his rock at its head. "Watch ou-" Blarr was flipped over by the blue Helm stabbed. Blarr slapped it across the face and kicked it off as Helm threw the rock towards Blarr, suddenly Blarr was throw over to the ground by an idigo and Helm pushed the indigo away. Unfortanatly the indigo threw helm straiyght into a tree. A blue dragged Blarr by the leg then Blarr hit it on the arm it was dragging with. Meanwhile, Helm threw a knife into the indigo's chest stunning it then helm stood up and started to limp away a blue pushed her down however, and the indigo threw the knife in its chest at Helm. Helm hit the knife away with the knife in her hand, Helm was amazing at the trick she pulled off because she couldn't replicate it while training at her old shelter. She didn't have time to think about this feat she made, she heard screaming. The screaming stunned everyone, and everything... Except Blarr. Blarr took this time to smite the indigo in the head, "Helm! C'mon we need to move! We need to help them!" Helm sprung up stabbing a blue that lunged at her. They ran in the direction the screams came from and they saw who was screaming. "RUN!" The unknown person frantically told them they all started running away, then Helm asked, "What are we running from!?" The unknown one pointed behind herself and they saw 4 glowing bugs chasing them. Blarr saw this and knew what they were, "INFECTED BUGS!?" The unknown woman quickly nodded and grabbed their hands because Blarr and Helm started to slow down. "Faster!" She shouted. After a bit of running Helm jumped out of the unknown woman's grasp and let the bugs get close, "COME BACK!" Helm then hopped into a river, she knew the bugs would follow her into the river and they died. What Helm didn't expect is the water would start to become red, signifying it would infect her. She knew she wouldn't make it to the surface in time, so she just kept on swimming away in the water hoping to out-swim the water that was quickly becoming unsafe. Blarr and the unknown woman chased after Helm and pulled her out of the water before the infected juice caught up to her.

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