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Socrative Questions and Answers
1. specialist in the study of the eyes: ophthalmologist
2. inability to speak: aphasia
3. condition of a hidden teste: cryptorchidism
4. medical term for separation of blood: hematocrit
5. crushing of kidney stone: nephrolithotripsy
6. inflammation of the throat: pharyngitis
7. suture of a bone: osteorrhaphy
8. decrease in white blood cells: leukocytopenia
9. twitching of an eyelid: blepharospasm
10. abnormal condition of hardening of the spinal cord: myelosclerosis
11. removal of the uterus: hysterectomy, metrectomy, uterectomy
12. rupture of an artery: arteriorrhexis
13. herniation of the bladder: vesicocele, cystocele
14. abnormal condition of fungus in the mouth: stomatomycosis, oromycosis
15. measurement of air/breath: spirometer, aerometer
16. medical term for pertaining to between the ribs: intercostal
17. hypokalemia: low potassium in the blood
18. Which term does NOT mean removal of the uterus? c. colpectomy
a. hysterectomy b. metrectomy c. colpectomy d. uterectomy
19. An ectopic pregnancy is when implantation occurs . . . anywhere outside the uterus.
20. In nephroptosis, there is . . . a prolapse of the kidney.
21. The study of x-rays is: radiology.
22. A person with trichopathy has what condition? a hair disease
23. Which is the medical term for rupture of an artery? arteriorrhexis
24. When a weakness in a vessel causes ballooning out of the wall of the vessel, the condition is called a/an: aneurysm.
25. The term for the external sac around the heart is the: pericardium.
26. A condition in which there is an abnormal flow of saliva is known as: sialorrhea.
27. Which term means indigestion? dyspepsia
28. High cholesterol levels may cause small yellow tumors called: xanthomas.
29. Inflammation of the cartilage and the ribs is: costochondritis.
30. Over functioning of the sudoriferous glands will produce excessive amounts of: sweat.
31. Which of the following words is in its plural form? bursae
32. Which of the following conditions would be detected on an electrocardiogram? tachycardia
33. A lack of sensation is called: anesthesia.
34. Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord is referred to as: poliomyelitis.
35. When the membrane that covers the brain protrudes or herniates through the skull, the condition is called: meningocele.
36. An individual with a progressive condition of losing partial or complete ability to see color has: achromatopsia.
37. Abnormal or poor development of tissue is called: dysplasia.
38. Expansion or dilation of the bronchi is called: bronchiectasis.
39. A cholelith is a: gallstone.
40. What is cheilitis? inflammation of the lip.
41. The term myotomy means incision into the: muscle.
42. A woman with colpodynia is suffering from: pain in the vagina.
43. The medical term myringoplasty means: surgical repair of the eardrum.
44. A person who experiences pyuria has? pus in the urine
45. Hidradenoma is a tumor . . . of the sweat gland.
46. Metropathy is a term for disease of the . . . uterus.
47. An individual with quadriplegia would have paralysis of: all 4 extremities.

Kahoot Questions and Answers:
1. ballooning of vessel wall is aneurysm
2. external sac around the heart: pericardium
3. upon or above the heart: epicardium
4. abnormal flow of saliva: sialorrhea
5. dyspepsia: indigestion
6. swallowing air: aerophagia
7. xanthomas: yellow tumors
8. inflammation of cartilage and ribs: costochondritis
9. over functioning sudoriferous glands produce excessive amounts of sweat
10. bursae: plural form
11. detected on an electrocardiogram: tachycardia
12. a lack of sensation: anesthesia
13. inflammation of gray matter of the spinal cord: poliomyelitis
14. membrane that covers the brain herniates through the skull: meningocele
15. losing partial or complete ability to see color: achromatopsia
16. ectopic pregnant is when implantation: somewhere other than the uterus
17. abnormal or poor development of tissue: dysplasia
18. endometriosis: middle layer of the uterus (abnormal condition)
19. study of x-rays: radiology
20. expansion or dilation of the bronchi: bronchiectasis
21. trichopathy: hair disease
22. cholelith: gallstone
23. hypokalemia: low potassium in the blood
24. hypercalcemia: excessive calcium in the blood
25. cheilitis: inflammation of the lip
26. myotomy: incision into the muscle
27. colpodynia: pain in the vagina
28. myringoplasty: surgical repair of the eardrum
29. nephroptosis: prolapse of the kidney
30. pyuria: pus in the urine
31. hidradenoma: tumor of the sweat gland
32. metropathy: disease of the uterus (one of three ways to say uterus)
33. fallopian tubes:
34. quadriplegia: paralysis of all 4 extremities
35. form an opening into the third section of the small intestine: ileostomy
36. inability to speak: aphasia
37. condition of a hidden teste: cryptorchidism
38. separation of blood: hematocrit
39. decrease in white blood cells: leukocytopenia
40. suture of a bone: osteorrhaphy
41. inflammation of the throat: pharyngitis
42. larynx: voice box
43. crushing of kidney stone: nephrolithotripsy
44. blepharospasm: involuntary contraction of the eyelid
45. myelosclerosis: abnormal condition of hardening of the spinal cord
46. hysterectomy: removal of the uterus
47. angiorrhexis: rupture of a vessel
48. cystocele: herniation of the bladder
49. stomatomycosis: condition of fungus of the mouth

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