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import Data.Char
enumFromToo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
enumFromToo a b = if a == b
then [a]
else a:enumFromToo (a+1) b
enumFromThenToo :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
enumFromThenToo x y z
|x<y = aux1 x (y-x) z
|x>y = aux2 x (y-x) z
|otherwise = [x]
aux1 a b c= if a<=c
then a:aux1 (a+b) b c
else []
aux2 a b c= if a>=c
then a:aux2 (a+b) b c
else []
somalista :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
somalista [] [] = []
somalista [] l = l
somalista (h:t) (p:f)= h:somalista t (p:f)
lastt :: [a] -> a
lastt [h] = h
lastt (h:t) = lastt t
initt :: [a] -> [a]
initt [_] = []
initt (h:t) = h:initt t
pos :: [a]-> Int -> a
pos (h:t) i
| i==0 = h
| i>=0 = pos t (i-1)
rev :: [a] -> [a]
rev [] = []
rev (h:t) = (rev t) ++ [h]
takk :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
takk i (h:t)
| i==1 = [h]
| i>=1 = h:takk (i-1) t
| otherwise = undefined
drAWP :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
drAWP i (h:t) = if i==0 then (h:t)
else drAWP (i-1) t
zippy :: [a]-> [b] -> [(a,b)]
zippy _ [] = []
zippy [] _ = []
zippy (h:t) (p:f) = (h,p):zippy t f
watson :: Eq a => a-> [a] -> Bool
watson i [] = False
watson i (h:[]) = i==h || False
watson i (h:t) = i == h || watson i t
repeater :: Int -> a -> [a]
repeater i a = if i==0 then [] else a:repeater (i-1) a
interMilan :: a -> [a] -> [a]
interMilan a [] = [a]
interMilan a (h:[]) = h:a:[]
interMilan a (h:t) = h:a:interMilan a t
groupie :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
groupie [] = [[]]
groupie [h] = [[h]]
groupie (h:t) = (h:samesies h t) : groupie (resto h t)
samesies a (h:t) =
if a == h
then h:samesies a t
else []
resto a (h:t) =
if a==h
then resto a t
else h:t
concat' :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [a]
concat' [[]] = []
concat' ([]:t) = concat t
concat' ((h:t):f) = h:concat'(t:f)
inits':: [a] -> [[a]]
inits' [] = []
inits' (h:t) = reverse(aux (reverse (h:t)))
aux [] = [[]]
aux [x] = [[x],[]]
aux (h:t) = ((h:t):aux t)
tails:: [a] ->[[a]]
tails [] = [[]]
tails [x] = [[x],[]]
tails (h:t) = ((h:t):tails t)
isPrefOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
isPrefOf [] [] = True
isPrefOf _ [] = False
isPrefOf [] _ = True
isPrefOf (h:t) (p:f) = if h == p
then isPrefOf t f
else False
isSufOf:: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
isSufOf [] [] = True
isSufOf _ [] = False
isSufOf [] _ = True
isSufOf l h = check (reverse l) (reverse h)
check [] [] = True
check _ [] = False
check [] _ = True
check (h:t) (p:f) = if h == p
then check t f
else False
isSSOf::Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
isSSOf [] [] = True
isSSOf l [] = False
isSSOf [] l = True
isSSOf (h:t) (p:f) = if h==p
then isSSOf t f
else isSSOf (h:t) f
selemI::Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
selemI x [] = []
selemI x (h:t) = contagem x (h:t) 0
contagem x [] c = []
contagem x (h:t) c = if x==h then c:contagem x t (c+1) else contagem x t (c+1)
madeira :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
madeira [] = []
madeira (x:xs)
| elem x xs = x:madeira (delAll x xs)
| otherwise = x : madeira xs
delAll _ [] = []
delAll x (h:t) =
if x==h then delAll x t
else h:(delAll x t)
Versão anterior que só funciona para números.
madeira :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
madeira l = madeira (qs l)
madeira [] = []
madeira [x] = [x]
madeira (h1:h2:t) = if h1==h2 then madeira (h2:t) else h1:(madeira(h2:t))
qs::Ord a => [a] -> [a]
qs [] = []
qs (h:t)= let (a,b) = part h t in (qs a)++[h]++(qs b)
part x [] = ([],[])
part x (h:t) = let (a,b)= part x t in
if h<x then(h:a,b) else (a, h:b)-}
dell::Eq a => a -> [a] ->[a]
dell _ [] = []
dell x (h:t) =
if x==h then t
else h:(dell x t)
slashy:: Eq a=> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
slashy [] [] = []
slashy l [] = l
slashy [] _ = []
slashy (h:t) (p:f) =
if p==h then slashy t f
else comb (t) (p:f) h (f)
comb :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> a -> [a] -> [a]
comb l1 l2 x [] = x:slashy l1 l2
comb l1 l2 x (p:f) =
if x==p then slashy l1 (delAll p (l2))
else comb l1 l2 x f
delAll _ [] = []
delAll x (h:t) =
if x==h then delAll x t
else h:(delAll x t)
union' :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
union' [] [] = []
union' [] l = l
union' l [] = l
union' (h:t) (p:f)
|elem p (h:t) = union' (h:t) f
|otherwise = (union' (h:t) f)++[p]
type Mset a = [(a,Int)]
isect :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
isect _ [] = []
isect [] _ = []
isect (h:t) (p:f)
|elem h (p:f) = h:isect t (p:f)
|otherwise = isect t (p:f)
insert' :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
insert' a [] = [a]
insert' a (h:t) =
if a > h then h:insert' a t
else a:h:t
maxi :: Ord a => [a] -> a
maxi [h] = h
maxi (h1:h2:t)
|h1>h2 = maxi(h1:t)
|otherwise = maxi(h2:t)
minnie :: Ord a => [a] -> a
minnie [h] = h
minnie (h1:h2:t)
|h1<h2 = minnie(h1:t)
|otherwise = minnie(h2:t)
sum' :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum' [x]=x
sum' (h:t) = h+sum'(t)
prod' :: Num a => [a] -> a
prod' [x]=x
prod' (h:t) = h*prod' t
hand :: [Bool]->Bool
hand [] = True
hand (h1:t) = h1 && hand t
ore :: [Bool]->Bool
ore [] = False
ore (h:t) = h || ore t
unword :: [String] -> String
unword [] = []
unword (h:t) = h ++ " " ++ (unword t)
unline :: [String] -> String
unline [] = []
unline (h:t) = h ++ ['n'] ++ (unline t)
pM :: Ord a => [a] -> Int
pM (h:t) = contagem (mai(h:t)) (h:t) 0
mai [h] = h
mai(h1:h2:t) = if h1 < h2 then mai(h2:t) else mai(h1:t)
contagem x (h:t) c =
if x==h
then c
else contagem x t (c+1)
reprep :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
reprep [] = False
reprep (h:t)
|elem h t = True
|otherwise = reprep t
alga :: String -> String
alga [] = []
alga (h:t) = if isDigit h then h:alga t else alga t
pozimp :: [a]->[a]
pozimp [_] = []
pozimp (h:t) = aux 0 (h:t)
aux c [] = []
aux c (h:t) =
if mod c 2 == 0
then aux (c+1) (t)
else h:(aux (c+1) (t))
pozpar :: [a]->[a]
pozpar [a] = []
pozpar (h:t) = aux 0 (h:t)
aux c [] = []
aux c (h:t) =
if mod c 2 /= 0
then aux (c+1) (t)
else h:(aux (c+1) (t))
isSorte :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
isSorte [a] = True
isSorte (h1:h2:t) = h2 > h1 && isSorte (h2:t)
aiSorte :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
aiSorte [a] = [a]
aiSorte (h:t)= insert' h (aiSorte t)
menordic :: String -> String -> Bool
menordic [] [] = True
menordic [] l = False
menordic (h:t) (p:f)
|isAlpha h && isAlpha p && (ord h)<(ord p) = True
|isAlpha h && isAlpha p && (ord h)==(ord p) = menordic t f
|isAlpha h && isAlpha p && (ord h)>(ord p) = False
elemMset' :: Eq a => a -> Mset a -> Bool
elemMset' x [] = False
elemMset' x ((a,b):t) = x == a || elemMset' x t
lengthMset' :: Mset a -> Int
lengthMset' [(a,b)] = b
lengthMset' ((a,b):t) = b + lengthMset' t
convset :: Mset a -> [a]
convset [] = []
convset ((a,0):t) = convset t
convset ((a,b):t)= a:convset ((a,b-1):t)
inset :: Eq a => a -> Mset a -> Mset a
inset x [] = [(x,1)]
inset x ((a,b):t) =
if x==a then ((a,b+1):t) else (a,b):(inset x t)
{-(Assumindo que remset x (lista)
vai remover apenas uma instância do elemento x na lista e não todas)-}
remset :: Eq a => a -> Mset a -> Mset a
remset x [] = []
remset x ((a,b):t)
| x==a && (b-1)==0 = t
| x==a = ((a,b-1):t)
|otherwise = (a,b):(remset x t)
{-(Assumindo que remset x (lista)
vai remover todas as instâncias de x na lista)-}
remset2 :: Eq a => a -> Mset a -> Mset a
remset2 x [] = []
remset2 x ((a,b):t)
| x==a = t
|otherwise = (a,b):(remset2 x t)
buildset :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a,Int)]
buildset [] = []
buildset (h:t) = ((h,contar h (h:t)):buildset (delall h t))
contar _ [] = 0
contar x (h:t) =
if x==h then 1+ contar x t
else contar x t
delall _ [] = []
delall x (h:t)=
if x==h then delall x t
else h:delall x t
sumpar :: [Int] -> Int
sumpar [h] = h
sumpar (h:t) =
if mod h 2 == 0 then h+sumpar t
else sumpar t
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