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A Peek Through Heroes: When Drama Satisfies Sci-fi
One of the most premier television shows presently on air would be Heroes, a sci-fi series developed by Tim Kring. It is an epic drama that shares the lives of seemingly ordinary people who later discovers that they have remarkable capabilities. This television series somewhat copies the design of American comic books in visual along with storytelling. The programs starts with a genetic teacher from India, Dr. Mohinder Suresh and his daddy's theory that there are individuals with amazing capabilities living amongst us humans. Starting with Claire Bennet, an indestructible cheerleader who requires to conceal her abilities from her peers while working to maintain her relationship with her daddy, a man of secret who has a keen interest in people like her. Niki Sanders, a Las Vegas single mom with superb strength and has a dangerous mirror image has a hard time to support and secure her young kid Micah, a genius who can communicate with electronic machinery through touch. Matt Parkman, a police detective from Los Angeles, attempts to put his ability to hear ideas of others to excellent use. On the other hand, in Japan, Hiro Nakamura's capability to travel through space-time continuum has empowered him to change the future as he takes a trip on wild adventures with his buddy Ando Masahashi. Nathan Petrelli, with a congressional position, has the capability to fly. His dreams decreased after failing to stop his younger brother Peter Petrelli, a nurse with the ability to take in the powers of others, from exploding over New York. After this clash in New York, the fate of Sylar, a manipulative serial killer committed to strongly gather the amazing powers of unique people, is unidentified. Meanwhile, in Dominican Republic, a girl called Mava Herrera and her twin bro, haunted by her threatening ability, attempts to make the unsafe cross to the United States in look for responses. Monica Dawson, cousin of Micah, has imitating capabilities and would give up everything to help individuals around her.

Every episode shows how these individuals deal with their powers and how they are somewhat interconnected. In season one of this series, they offered us an intro of how these unique individuals end up being linked by their special and special capabilities. It provided us an introduction of these characters and their unique capabilities, and how others try to manipulate these powers in a bad way.

Season 2 is still on and is concentrated on presenting new sets of characters, likewise with distinct capabilities also. Lots of people all over the world have been constantly raving about this series, showing its success and great ratings. With each episode, they regularly show us different stories of various individuals with just one goal: to save the world.

It is an impressive drama that shares the lives of seemingly normal people who later discovers that they possess extraordinary capabilities. The shows begins with a hereditary professor from India, Dr. Mohinder Suresh and his daddy's theory that there are individuals with extraordinary capabilities living among us humans. Beginning with Claire Bennet, an unbreakable cheerleader who needs to hide her capabilities from her peers while working to keep her relationship with her daddy, a male of secret who has a keen interest in individuals like her. In season one of this series, they gave us an introduction of how these unique individuals become connected by their unique and unique abilities.
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