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Before the year 30 AD, Gaius Musonius Rufus was born. As an Italian Roman knight, the nobility was second only to senators in Volsinii, an Etruscan city. Emperor Nero considered Rubellius Plautus, a friend of his, to be a threat. About 60 A.D., Nero threw out Rubellius. D., Rufus went into exile with him in Asia Minor. Following Rubellius' demise in 62 A.D. Rufus returned to Rome, where he lectured and engaged in stoicism, stirring up Nero's mistrust. When Calpurnius Piso's massive conspiracy against Nero was discovered in 65 AD, Nero banished Musonius to the barren, desolate island of Gyaros in the Aegean Sea. Under Galba's rule in 68 CE, he returned to Rome. He attempted to urge peace to the Flavian army that was marching against Rome in 70 A.D. Rufus obtained the conviction of Rubellius Plautus' friend Barca Soranus, who had been duped by the philosopher Publius Egnatius Celer. Vespasian exiled Rufus a second time, but Titus' rule allowed him to return to Rome. Rufus was well-liked and led a fulfilling life while he was alive. He passed away before 101-2 A.D.

Rufus believed that as a human is composed of both a body and a soul, training for both is important, but the latter requires more focus. Adapting to cold, heat, thirst, hunger, lack of food, a rough bed, forgoing pleasures, and suffering pains are the two requirements of this dual technique. This procedure strengthens the body, prepares it to pain and makes it suitable for every endeavor. According to him, the soul is similarly bolstered by gaining fortitude by overcoming challenges and by acquiring self-control via refraining from pleasures. Rufus claimed that a philosopher must detest all such things since exile, poverty, bodily harm, and death are not evils. Rufus says that a philosopher would never sue somebody for being beaten, laughed at, or spat upon since they would consider such activities to be neither harmful nor dishonorable. He claimed that as all good things are earned via suffering, anyone who refuses to go through suffering is essentially declaring themselves undeserving of anything good.
Musonius Rufus was renowned as the Socrates of Rome. He was another Stoic, who stressed that philosophy cannot merely be theoretical. People must practice ethics every day to develop healthy habits if they wish to be an ethical person or organization. Ethics cannot just be studied. Indeed, the term for habit in ancient Greek is the same as the word for ethics.

Trying to take an evidence-based performance evaluation is what is meant by keeping track in terms of organizational management in business. Employee performance may be monitored by management, for example, by asking them in an anonymous manner how valuable they believe their work is and how they are performing. Then, the next day, the next day, the next day, the next day, the next day.
Because intuitions are frequently erroneous, neither managers nor employees should rely only on them. Thus they must learn to maintain accounting of themselves. They would monitor their everyday behavior, keeping note of how often they made mistakes when doing chores or making judgments, for example. They might then assess if they were actually changing their behavior or merely going in circles.

The island of Samos is where Epicurus was born. His parents are natives of Athens who had immigrated there as soldiers. His father, a schoolteacher, was named Neocles, and his mother was Chairestrate. They came from the same community, the deme Gargettos. At the age of 14, Epicurus began his study of philosophy. One narrative has him leaning to philosophy after his schoolmaster could not comprehend the notion of chaos in Hesiod, an early Greek philosopher MT DC-270BC) poet. His earliest instructor is claimed to have been the Platonist Pamphilus of Samos. The claim that Epicurus studied for three years (327–324) at the Lonian city of Teos under Nausiphanes, a pupil of the naturalistic philosopher Democritus, is far more important. This may have been the origin of Epicurus' atomistic theory, which he employed as the cornerstone of a philosophical system that ultimately sought ethical goals rather than as a tool for researching physics.
Epicurus moved to Athens when he was 18 years old to complete the two years of military training necessary to become an Athenian citizen. He could have heard Aristotle, who was then in Athens, and Xenocrates, who succeeded Plato as the director of his academy. At Colophon, where they had fled as exiles when Athens lost Samos to the Macedonians at the end of the Lamian War, Epicurus reunited with his parents a year later. There is essentially no documentation for the following ten years. Epicurus most certainly traveled and pursued education. It becomes sense to assume that at this time he established his philosophical viewpoint and reinforced it in discussions with Platonists and Aristotelians. Epicurus started his teaching career at the age of 32, first in Mytilene and then at Lampsacus, from 311/310 until 307/306.
On the day when Epicurus passed away from prostatitis in his 72nd year. He narrated a heartfelt and depressing letter to Idomeneus that was probably meant for all of his Lampsacus pals. The letter revealed the spirit in which he had held committed to his philosophy of peace and tranquility even in the depths of anguish. Epicurus' will left the home, garden, and some finances to trustees of the school. The remaining money were given to commemorate Epicurus' departed family, his birthday every year, and his memory every month. That day, his slaves were also set free.

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