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Diseases of the Digestive System (Gastrointestinal diseases) :)

consuming high-calorie fast food, alcohol, and limited intake of fibers and green leafy vegetables commonly cause digestive system diseases known as gastrointestinal diseases. There are many digestive system disorders but all share some common symptoms, which can develop into specific gastrointestinal diseases later on. These symptoms are:
- a change in bowel habits
-sudden weight loss
- severe abdominal pain
- blood in the stool
- heartburn
- release of gas

- occurs when the lining of the large intestine cannot maintain the usual level of water absorption.
- secretes more than the normal quantity of water, ions, and mucus
- the excessive loss of water caused by diarrhea can cause dehydration
- dangerous, especially to young children
- can cause death if left untreated
- wash hands to prevent bacteria from entering the body through the hand-mouth route

- occurs when
• the peristalsis moves the stool in the colon too slowly
• a diet with low plant fiber
• poor bowel habits
• abuse of laxatives
• hormonal disorders
- the infrequent bowel movements of less than three times a week along with the hard-to-pass dry stools
- can be relieved by:
• drinking at least 8 cups of water
• laxatives
• lifestyle changes
• treatment of the underlying problem

- the inflammation of the liver caused by excessive consumption of alcohol or a viral infection
- will experience:
• nausea
• fever
• loss of appetite
• abdominal pain
• a yellowing of the skin and white part of the eye known as jaundice
- if left untreated:
• liver cells may later on die
• may result in liver failure
• death
- has different types depending on the cause of the disease
• Hepatitis A ( infectious hepatitis ) - caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV) and contracted through exposure from a fecally contaminated water or food.
•Hepatitis B ( serum hepatitis ) - caused by the hepatitis B virus (HVB) and transmitted by sharing contaminated blood through blood transfusions/contaminated needles/sexual contact with an infected person
- preventable through vaccinations

- crystals formed by too much cholesterol, bile salts, and calcium in the gallbladder
- will usually feel sporadic pains in the middle of the upper abdomen or below the right side ribs
-frequency of pain attacks can be reduced by consuming a low-fat diet
- usually detected using an ultrasound
- if the low-fat diet or painkillers can't manage the symptoms, other means such as dissolution therapy ( using medicines to dissolve the gallstones) and surgical removal of gallstones are the next options

Peptic Ulcer
- open sores found in the
• esophagus (esophageal ulcer)
• stomach (gastric ulcer)
• duodenum of the small intestine (duodenal ulcer)
- ulcers form from:
• consumption of sodas
• coffee
• spicy food
• Helicobacter pylori (stomach ulcer)
•long time use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin (stomach ulcer)
- will experience:
• upper abdominal pain characterized by dull
• sharp/burning sensations
- detected using an x-ray and endoscopy
- treated by antibiotics and stomach acid suppressants to eliminate the population of H. pylori.

Hemorrhoids (piles)
- occurs when rectal veins are inflamed and enlarged after straining nd eliminating hard stools
1st degree hemorrhoids - veins that are contained within the anus
2nd degree hemorrhoids - vein that extend outward on defecation
3rd degree hemorrhoids - rectal veins that remain outside through the anal opening (may require surgical removal)
- prevented by eating dieat rich in fibers such as fruits and vegetables which helps in producing softer stools

- the inflammation of the appendix
- caused by an obstruction such as:
• hard mass of feces
• foreign body
• parasitic infection
Obstruction - secretions from the appendix can't pass through and later on accumulates
- obstruction causes the appendix to enlarge and bacteria to build up to cause infection
- if the appendix bursts bacterial infection may spread
- may kill the person if not given proper treatment
- may need surgical removal of the appendix
- is common to teens and young adults

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