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Imagine having someone search through your book bag and your locker Now imagine having them take out all your personal belongings and everyone watching Well I just found out that the principle will be doing the searches throughout the whole school I got so frustrated because I disagree with what they are about to do There are so many reasons why I disagree with the principle looking through our things A few examples why I disagree is because they can not do anything without the permission from the Board of Education and parents it’s also an invasion of privacy for us Also it makes the students feel untrusted with themselves Furthermore I will explain why I strongly disagree with this invasion of privacy by searching through our personal things
To begin with searching through our backpacks and lockers is a rule broken for the education board especially if our parents aren’t informed For example since we are minors they don't have the authority to do anything without permission from the Board of Education and our parents Also if our parents don’t get informed because you guys don’t think it’s that important there will be huge consequences to the school and the principle If you do this absurd thing without thinking twice I trust you that will be the worst mistake you make yet The Board of Education rule says PARENTS MUST BE INFORMED ABOUT ANYTHING THAT WILL HAPPEN WITH THEIR CHILDRENS LIVES AND EVENTS HAPPENING WITHIN THE SCHOOL Would you like for the school to do something to your children without asking you first This summarizes why I disagree with search through our things.
In addition doing this is an invasion of our privacy For instance what if we have things we wouldn’t want people to see If it's the locker I could understand a little Well actually no I don't they gave us the lockers and never said there will be a check We have the password for the whole year so NO ONE can go through our things Much less our book bags because we bought those Unless you bought them don't touch what doesn't belong to you Just thinking about anyone doing that I want to go with signatures of students and parents saying that they shouldn’t do this In closing it just isn’t right to do what they are planning to do
Finally doing this can cause many of the students to feel untrusted in school For example if you search through our things most likely it’s because you obviously don't trust us What if we came into your house and checked your closet, and purse It’s the same as our lockers and backpacks How would you feel about that Well it’s the same feeling for us UPSET BUT it’s different because I don't know your perspective about them searching through your things What if you say I don’t care Check all you want I don't feel any type of way I won’t catch any feelings towards you Then you clearly have no respect for yourself what person let’s people check their closet and purse UMMM haven’t you heard the phrase PRIVACY PLEASE This summarizes why seeking through our things can make us feel very untrustworthy
To conclude searching through our lockers and backpacks is just the wrong thing to do ONE you don't have no permission from our parents or the Board of Education TWO it’s a violation of our privacy LASTLY it makes us students feel very untrustworthy to the school I just hope when you finish reading this you will write a lot about this Please try to include a lot of elementary schools and high schools in this because this is where they like to do it more WHAT FOOL WOULD TAKE THE RISK OF SEARCHING THROUGH OUR PERSONAL THINGS Like a saying my grandma would non-stop tell me Think twice before you do anything Remember your not anyone rich or famous so you can't buy yourself out of the consequences

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