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1- Which crop botanical Name is Oryzae sativa ----- Rice & wheat
2- What is the uniform previous rate for all rabi crops as per PMFBY -- 1.5%
3- Pungency in onion due to which compound --- Allyl propyl Disulphide
4- European Honey Bee are called ---- Apis mulfera
5- Retting is process of which crops --- jute
6- Which of the following is known as silk protein-- Sericin
7- Removal of off-type plants -- Roughing
8- Blossom end rot is problem in -- due to deficiency of --- : Tomato & Ca
9- Effluent treatment of pond required for --- Reduce the organic content &remove pathogens from pond
10- As per the PFA, SNF in cow milk is -- 8.5%
11- Piercing and sucking mouth parts found in which order -- Hemiptera
12- The superiority of f1 hybrid is one or more characters over its parents is known as --- Heterosis

13- ICMR recommendation of vegetables in grow--- 300 grams
14- In which schemes direct farmers get supports by the government annually ?---- PM- kisan
15- Pendi mythalian used against --- weeds
16- Act of parturition of sow ,is called as --- Furrowing
17- RM(Rechert -messie number) test is done to check purity--- ghee
18- Water holding capacity is descending order-- clay>silt>sand
19- Symptoms of powdery mildew of pea is first appeared on ? -- leaves
20- Family of musturd--- Criciferae
21- Process which soften the seed coat to water and gas -- Scarification
22- Protein present in Silk-- Sericin
23- Process of separation of silk from cocoon? Reeling
24- Antharea mylitta is --- tropical Tasar
25- Fruit of rose known as -- Hips
26- Which of the following chemical used for polyploidy breeding -- colchicin
27- Cross of two different breeds alternatively -- Criss cross
28- The credit for success of KVK goes to --- Mangla rai
29- Fruits of pineapple known as --- sorosis
30- Buffalo breed from Gujarat and sickle shaped horn -- Surati
31- Reclanation pf alkali soils by using -- gypsum
32- Which is host of japanese encephalitis-- mosquito
33- Mandi is a type of market--- Primary type
34- Mayer published a paper in 1886 on the diseases which , mosaic diseases of which crops -- tobacco
35- What is smother crops ? -- Rapidly growing crops that is used to suppress or stop the growth of weed.
36- Late blight is the diseases of which--- Potato
37- Pre- Seasonal planting of sugarcane followed in maharastra &Karnataka --- September-October
38- Who recommendation the MSP and issue prices ?-- CACP
39- soil moisture is measured by the which instruments - tensiometer
40- 2-4D used as -- Herbicides
41- Which one is not sedimentary rock is ---Granite
42- Buffalo milk is whiter than cow milk ,why ?--- Beta-caronete pigment gets converted to coloriess pigments
43- Scratching ,rubbing and softening seed coat to make its permeable for water and ---scarification
44- Tree+ crop+ pasture known as --- Agrisilvopastural system
45- what is zoonosis---diseases transfer animals to human
46- fat globule break in uniform size?-- Homogenization
47- Annamox is one of the step of___ N- cycle
48- In pomogranate disorder that cannot be identified externally , whereas the aries becomes soft ,light ,creamy -brown to dark blackish -
brown and unfit for consumption ----Internal breakdown of pomogranate
49- Parallel and anti parallel lines in DNA helix is connected with which bond-- H-BOND
50- Sugarcane ratooning compared to pure crops ?--- more N Required
51- In MH ,Karnataka and AP grape wines are pruned twids in month of _________and _________:-- April-May, OCT- NOV
52- Secretion of milk by glandular secretory tissue of milk animals & their collection in various system terminating its let down - specific stimuli-lactation
53- Coconut beetles -- rhinoceros beetle
54- which seed is progeny of breeder seed--- Foundation seed
55- Bordeaux mixture contains --- CU
56- Continious seed sowing in row & covered by soil --- Drilling
57- milk fever is caused due to the deficiency of--- Ca
58- Which of the following housing systems is used in commercial layer farming cage system in used poultry housing dimension 14*16 inches or
17 inches --- battery method
59- The principal of this techniques is the generation of nitrogen cycle by maintaining higher C:N ratio through stimulation heterotrophic
microbial growth, which assimilates the nitrogeneous waste that can be explained by the cultured species as a feed |
--- Bio floc fish farming
60- Which hybrid by protoplasmic fusion two different species/varieties known as ----Somatic Hybridization

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