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When I was younger, I was constantly looking for women who looked like me in TV shows, movies or just books.
Like everyone else, I was probably a huge Disney fan.
I remember once begging my mother to straighten my hair to look like Cinderella. Indirectly, this content was a constant reminder that my skin colour and hair didn’t match society’s expectations and could call "pretty".
Yes, it was a hurtful truth!
But it's nothing new if I tell you that many women have grown up feeling unattractive, unwanted and insecure.
But today this problem that I felt is much reduced.
It's thanks to the representation that I was able to find confidence in myself.
That’s why I decided to approach this subject with an article on
The implications of colourism on black women from the beginning of the 20th century to the present by Allaija Briann Williams in May 2022,
a speech by Michelle Obama in 2014,
An extract from a speech by Chimamanda NGOZI ADICHIE at TEDGlobal in 2009
and Nomzamo Mbatha's speech on Gender Equality from 2021
an extract from the Barbie Gap webpage and an image from the Barbie Gap association and with 2 movies black panther and the Woman King.
Across these documents, I will show you how black girls today have managed to gain confidence in themselves.

We will look back at the impact of the colonial representation of black women and finally at how the new representation of black women creates more self-esteem and confidence in black girls.

I- The impact of the colonial representation of black women

Historically, dark-skinned women have been labelled as unattractive, angry, and unloving.

Dark-skinned women were considered "better workers".

As it is said in the article on the implication of the colorist on black women "the dark skinned women were considered "better laborers while lighther skinned blacks were better suited for intelligent tasks. "

In addition to skin colour, hair texture is a major area of interest in colourism. Within the black community, hair has been used to express black identity. In the article, it is stated that "masters would often encourage younger slaves to not like their hair « made of wool »

The relationship between hair and skin has helped define beauty. During and after slavery, "good hair" was smoother and softer than the average African hair, and was usually found in people of mixed race. Women with 'good hair' were also considered to be more beautiful. As stated in the article « Women with good hair were also seen as having greater beauty anti higher social value »This representation of a feminine ideal led to many insecurities among black women. Their self-esteem and self-confidence was really low.

III-The new representation of black women creates more self-esteem and confidence in black girls.

Today, this representation of the black woman still has a strong impact on young black girls, whether it be her very frizzy hair or her very ebony skin colour. Black girls like me had a hard time finding themselves beautiful in an environment where few people looked like them

As Chimamanda illustrates with what she calls the danger of the single story, it is complicated to grow up in an environment that opposes us and everything we are. But today, if black women have been able to regain their self-confidence, it is mainly thanks to all those inspiring women who have given hope. Dark black women have been able to assert themselves and influence other dark black women.

For example, Michelle Obama, through her inspiring journey filled with difficulties, has succeeded in influencing young black girls and all young girls to love themselves and be confident.

This is what she shows us through her speech when she says ( I see leaders who will inspire folks not just here in Tower Hamlets, but all across the country and all around the world). As a black woman I can now recognise myself and have confidence in myself thanks to celebrities like Rihanna who through her difficult and poor childhood is now the richest artist in the world she has made me and all black girls ambitious women. So ambitious that the GAP Dream by Barbie association sees a huge potential and have decided to dedicate a program for young black girls despite some insecurities they may feel. this is what they state by saying ( I see leaders who will inspire folks not just here in Tower Hamlets, but all across the country and all around the world.) in their webpage. Films such as Black Panther and The Women King have given young black girls a new sense of confidence. Through these films the whole black and African culture is represented so that young black girls can have inspiring role models.

Inspiring role models in all areas such as in the cinema with Viola Davis who played in the series Murder as the main character or in her latest successful film The Woman King which recounts the struggle of the women warriors of Dahomey which inspires young black girls to never give up and always fight. Through music, with Beyoncé for example, who has become the most Grammy award winner in the world, she shows through her journey that black girls can be original and brilliant. And especially through fashion where they have been able to stand out like Naomi Cambell who has become a global icon who has shown that black women are elegant and beautiful.

And even in the political field today Michelle Obama or Nomzamo Mbatha inspire women to believe in their convictions and to fight for it like Nomzamo Mbatha's beautiful message for equality between men and women (What we need to understand is a fundamental right for all human beings).

All these black women and many others have inspired the new black generation to become heroes and not the stereotypes that some Americans try to convey through fear of others.


To conclude, black women and women in Africa are women who move, who innovate and who assert themselves. They take their place in today's society without apology because they deserve it like everyone else. Without this, there would not have been Michelle Obama, Beyoncé or Naomi Cambell. I think it's important for us to shine, it's important that the experience of today's black woman is written by no one but herself and it's because of this determination that young black girls like me have been able to gain self-confidence and love themselves the way they want to despite our society's standards of beauty.

To finish I would like to end with one of my favourite quotes from the woman king said by Igozie, one of the best warriors in the film "You are powerful more than you even know. Do not give your power away ".
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