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The complicated girl story made by yours Truley Kat/yuna
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Their was this one girl she was born on September 17 2009 today is 2023 she loved the color light blue and white her life was very complicated because of her family issues and gossip. One day she had to switch schools because the school she was in before was shutted down for a reason that she didnt know weird i know. She was a weird child and had ADHD at a young age when she grew up she still had it. When a fight starts with her friends she always gets dragged into the fight but she believed their was a solution and once she heard about a gossip about her and one of her trusted friend named rio or named bean was talking trash about her which is not true she did do something wrong but she did regret what she did.. Just because the girl did something wrong bean/rio said to her friends "did you know trash drew something inappropriate of me?" and they kept talking trash about the girl.. One of her friends gwen/vei told her this she was very angry and sad.. She told her parents and they accompanied her... The girl soon
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