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Somewhere in time

I am the only one who is watching you all the time from your birth to death. I'm no god but I have the power to create my own new world.
I have known different names in your world you called me TIME.

I have no curse I am a curse. It is sad to see people dying and also I traveled a lot to reach you all.

I don't have any physical form but I'm everywhere. You fear death, and you blame me for all your happenings. I am just like you finding who really i am. Who is my creator and why they gave me this ultimate power?
Even I don't have any idea how things can be stopped to happen. It is my fate I get immortal but it's not the truth I'm watching you till this universe is destroyed.
it's unlikely to occur but my observation about the happening is everything is pre-decided in an order to maintain other superpowers like me.
if we ever collide with each other there is no surety of outcomes.

In this ultimate journey, I will be the one who is sending the right pieces of the puzzle to maintain my cycles. My every action constitutes consequences that are not under my control.
Again I have no control whatsoever i am.

I'm not the destroyer but I can not save you either.

- Time


Chiku an introverted boy his father disappears days after he told him he will be busy with some important work. His father was running an NGO which helps the homeless and people with mental illness. He works day in and out for humanity. Chiku and his father are living together after their parents got divorced. His life is full of challenges he wanted to fix all of which are messed up, His mother is married to a man who is a stock trader and earns a lot of money.
cheku journey began with suffering and is full of surprises. Will he get his father back who did not leave any clue beside him? He is not aware of what's coming he has only a will to get his family once again together.
Let's drive ourselves somewhere in time.

The tape recorder starts playing a clip which is a little lacking and all the words are not clear in the beginning

a man's voice comes up as he is saying "
Everything is connected to each other in a manner to work on its course. The same rules go with space and time.
we all know very little about our universe and space. We only have beliefs so far on space and time.

Every single blinking star in the night sky is not even sure to be present at the exact place from where its light rays reach us. Things became more sophisticated if we talk about how this beautiful universe was created.
All we have at the end are just theories and mathematical calculations.
If you ever wondered how alone we are in this universe and space it's likely that you are wrong. It's also possible that other life forms are not human or they are yet to evolve.
but the fact is in the study of space and time we always end up many times without any concrete evidence.
space left us alone and its nature may always make us other beings untouchable.

I am Dr. Shadow from an unknown research facility and I'm frightened that we humans had made a terrible mistake with space and time.
I was studying a subject who was caught at a border area with unidentified chemicals, and he is speaking a totally different language that does not belong to any known language of today.

The subject is heavily injured, and we are trying to communicate with the subject with all available resources.

there is no sign of threats now from the subject but"

in the same recording, a voice came as a place got exploded with any kind of weapon which is not clear what it is.

now the person takes the recorder into his bag which he is carrying. A brown man who looks like he is robbing a lab. He is dressed in black sleeves and black trousers and black shoes.

he is moving towards a drawer, and he gets another tape that is coated with blood.
the unknown man fell down on the ground and he started crying.
The lab was destroyed and only a few things are left to burn in the place.

Bodies of burned humans are lying on the burnt floor. he stood up takes the help of the wall and resumes his search for things from the room.
He found a wallet inside it a picture is displayed. Picture a happy family with a boy somewhere aged 21 and a man with his wife.
he checked and take out all the papers from the pouch.

the man started fleeing after hearing footsteps coming and staring through corridors.

Another black-suited man with a good height of 6.2 is following a lady, This guy has a black hat and as the lady realized she is under surveillance by this unknown man she turned back to ask what's wrong with the man. The unknown man is not there where a minute ago he followed her.

This lady's name is Gayatri, age can be is 29 years old. Having a bag in her hands she started walking to her place quickly and held the bag tightly on his chest.

she walked away from a television shop and breaking news is going on it in Hindi which meant " Police has recovered 100s of the body from an underground secret facility we do not know who owe this place and how all these people dies with severe burn. A forensic team has been working at the site and they have no idea who killed them all. We know very rare things according to cops who reached the place first. It is situated near Ladakh named Turtuk. It is a small village which has a great culture and rich history for further stay tuned on our channel"

A girl who is listening to the news asks an elder next to her. Grandpa, what this lab is really about is what those people were doing there. the old man replied, Love they may working on something and it did not go well as it can be. leave this honey have you finished your homework today I will be very upset if work is pending.
Daddu I was about to start it but you ask me to come here, I will never do that again daddu so sorry.
The old man smiles and they walked away

This old man named Amar owned mostly all the properties in Dehradun. He is famous not because he has land, but because a myth is famous in his name that he killed his whole family including his own son and now he is taking care of Gaytri who is solely responsible for all the killings as she was born in Mool nakshatra who is recognized most unlucky and cured person born ever. It is unfair for the poor child she has to suffer a lot in society at a very small age.

In a big library, a girl reads something with all her focus the book is black on the cover and it has a sharp dark eye image on it. The book's name is कालस्य नेत्राणि which means eyes of time. Reading a part "मृत्युः जीवनं च एकं मूल्यं कल्पयति यत् तस्य आग्रहस्य आधारेण भवति, भवतः यत् अस्ति तत् भवतः हानिः भवितुम् अर्हति परन्तु पूर्वनिर्धारितः मार्गः अस्ति यस्मिन् प्रत्येकं चक्रं किञ्चित्कालं यावत् सद्भागे गच्छति। अहं जीवनमरणयोः सह सर्वाणि भूतवर्तमानं भविष्यं च धारयिष्यामि किन्तु मम स्वभावः गतिशीलः अस्ति भवतः प्रत्येकं कर्म नूतनं सृजति यस्मिन् मम नेत्राणि सर्वं पश्यन्ति "

" Death and life come up with a value that depends on what it demands, you may lose what you have but there is a pre-determined path in which every cycle goes in a good part for a while. I will be holding all past present and future along with life and death but my nature is dynamic your every action creates a new cycle on which my eyes are watching everything "

Taking a deep breath and thinking about what it really explains.

Anonymous book in the library has no records of when did it published and the author's name is blank totally.

By the way, the girl's name is Mahi she was born and raised in an advocate's house and her father and uncles are famous for ruthless behavior. They win whatever case they have it does not their business the person is right or wrong, all matters are money. She needs a break from all the rules and regulations of her family she wanted to live a free-will life.
She wants to open a bakery as it is the only thing she loved, apparently, her family demands to put her in the law field but she doesn't. She spends time in the library to just prepare for exams and there she gets peace and relief from her family's rules.

In the dream of chicku

He finds himself at a dark place and he hears a voice coming from all directions it said " भवता सर्वाणि खण्डानि प्रहारं कर्तुं पूर्वं तूफानं निवारयितव्यम्"
voices getting louder after every repeat, he is using his hands to cover his ears he started yelling " who are you " after the loud shout he wakes up.

his eyes are still blurry and he did not understand what he just saw in his dream.
a woman enters the room and asks him to leave the place he can not stay there for another minute he is still confused is he dreaming or not?
He replied yes, I can but before that how I came here?
she said you and your friends were drunk and you tried to trespass on our property and we caught you red-handed your friends left you here and when we found you on the ground we thought you belong to a good family so we took you in, we did not call police last night but now you have to leave.

He is shocked after he knows this he does not remember what he did and whether was he really drunk.

Mam, I'm so sorry that this was happen because of me and I am really thankful you took me in here.

Lady is still in anger she again asked him to leave right now.

He gets up and starts walking outside his home. The place looks like a house of saints. All the walls are covered with gods and avatars( Gods who were born in face of humans ) picture all over.

he choose to ignore it and moved on immediately.

walking on an unknown road he takes out his mobile phone and searches for his friend's contacts.
he calls one of the boys who he thinks was with him at night. bell ringing and a boy picks up and said

" What the fuck do you want from us you spoiled everyone's mood we wondered if this time it will be different but no, you will never change now get your ass here now or go wherever you think is good"
boy cuts the call

He still does not get any single thing. This all starts giving him a headache. He reached the metro station and boarded a train for his place. Holding his head hard and thinking about what those voices were and what they mean.

A Boy came to him and offers water to drink he takes it and finished all the water in the bottle. He exhales breath and thanked the kid for his help.

"thankyou buddy I appreciate your help"

The kid looked at him with a smily face his eyes start shining bright and his words were " भवता सर्वाणि खण्डानि प्रहारं कर्तुं पूर्वं तूफानं निवारयितव्यम्"
He stood up FRIGHTNED and ask him who are you he wakes up and sees him in train sited excact same seat and same positions of rest passengeres in the train. He is extremly confused and concerned about his mental condition now.

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