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Top 5 AI Article Writer Tools
AI Article Writer is one of the top tools to help you write your content fast. There are several of them, including WriteMe, Jasper Ai, Grammarly, and Scalenut. It is a good idea to choose the one that is best for your needs, especially if you are a busy freelancer.


Grammarly is an AI article writer that helps to make writing and communication easier. It has over 10 million active users, and has earned a spot among the 100 most innovative companies in AI by Fast Company.

Grammarly is an online tool that can be accessed on desktop or laptop computers, as well as through mobile devices like iOS and Android. Users can choose between a free version or a premium version, depending on their needs. niche article writer paid plan includes plagiarism checker and writing insights, as well as readability and misspelled citations checks.

The company's artificial intelligence system was taught by high quality training data. As a result, its algorithms are able to pick up on the subtleties of language.

Grammarly is also available in a browser extension that works in most major browsers. This plug-in is also compatible with a number of other applications.

Ink for All

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, INK For All can help you create better content and optimize it to boost your search engine ranking. It also helps improve click-through rates. Ink for all helps you beat other websites competing on the same keywords, which is a huge boost to your online presence.

Ink for all is a powerful writing tool that can be downloaded to your desktop or laptop. You can use it to generate articles, blog posts, or any type of content. Using this tool is a great way to produce high quality content in a short amount of time.

It also allows you to edit your articles as you write. This makes it possible to make corrections, fix grammar mistakes, and add images. And, you can export in several different formats.

Jasper Ai

Jasper AI is a content analysis tool that can generate content for you. You can use the tool to write blog posts, social media posts, emails, product descriptions, press releases, real estate listings, testimonials, and more. The Jasper AI platform also has a Creative Story feature. This feature allows you to create content that is unique and engaging.

It is easy to get started with Jasper. First, you need to select a topic and template. If you aren't sure what to choose, it is recommended that you look at other people's content and the topics that they've used.

During the process of creating your content, you will have to provide feedback to the tool. Jasper will analyze your content and suggest sentence structure improvements and synonyms for words that are overused.


The Scalenut AI Article Writer provides you with a seamless way to create and optimize your content for search engines. This tool uses natural language processing, AI-powered Writing Tool and Content Generator to help you produce keyword-rich SEO-optimized content for your website.

You can generate articles, product descriptions, stats pages, and ads using this powerful platform. It is also easy to integrate with your favorite online platforms.

You can choose from various plans that cater to your needs. These plans range from $744 per year to $149 per month. For a more comprehensive approach, you can opt for the Growth Plan. With this plan, you will get unlimited SEO reports and cruise mode, which helps you write long-form articles in just five minutes.

One of the best features of Scalenut is its copywriting tools. With the click of a button, you can create, edit, and publish content. However, you will need to validate and proofread the generated content.


The WriteMe AI article writer is an artificial intelligence writing tool that helps content writers write unique, high-quality content in a few clicks. It has an impressive number of features, and it can produce perfect content for a wide range of use cases.

This AI writing tool has a built-in SEO tool to optimize articles for search engines. It also uses a copywriting formula that helps you create better persuasive text.

Another useful feature of the WriteMe AI article writer is its ability to produce content in over 30 different languages. Using its GPT-3 and GPT-2 natural language processing powers, it can condense raw content ideas into well-versed, error-free, and SEO-optimized content.

In addition to offering a high-quality writing service, it can also be used for editing. The algorithm is trained to recognize and correct grammar and other grammatical errors, so you don't have to worry about grammatical mistakes making your text unreadable.
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