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good afternoon my dear classmates! i'am Jesh Baylin and im the leader of the group, we are the group 1 and today we will show our prepared presentation about verbal,situational, and dramatic irony. and the reporters for the group 1 are rosendo, trias ,ilagan,quintos and i will present the 5 examples of verbal irony
charles trias will discuss the situational irony "the mad who became a fish".
Anderzon Ilagan who will discuss the 5 examples of situational irony.
Rosendo DelaCruz will be discuss the dramatic irony which is the story of "Madman on the roof" and
Athena Quintos will be presented the 5 tv series examples of dramatic irony and
Raniah cruz who made this powerpoint presentation and the rest of the members Ramos and ilagan whose participate too.

but first what is verbal irony?
it is a figure of speech in where the speaker says the opposite meaning of what he/she actually means.
its easy to remember by thinking of "sarcasm" or being 'sarcastic"
but it is not just that. sarcasm is usually meant to hurt someone, while verbal irony is not.

and now this are the 5 examples of verbal irony
(read the ex. on the ppt)

that's all for my part, the next reporter will be Charles Trias who will discuss the first task of the situational irony.

1. The classroom looks so very clean, Awesome! (said on that day that the room was very messy).
the teacher said that the classroom is clean altho it is very messy.

2. When your seatmate asks you if the food on the table is yours, "I say it's not mine, maybe it's from the other section".
you said a sarcastic comment because it is obvious that the food is yours since its infront of u.

3. when you're doing your assignment and somebody asks you what are you doing, you response "oh, im just sleeping"
another sarcastic comment because you are seen studying yet asks u what are you doing

4. when your adviser command you to get her/his bag and you ask where to get it, she/he answer "on the bathroom".

5. You just received your test papers, and you see that the score of your test paper is too low, and you ask to your teacher "why my score is too high???".
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Regards; Team

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