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Chapel Contradicts the Teachings of Jesus Christ
Christians follow certain things that go against typically the teachings of Christ Christ. For example, when I quote to a Christian Matthew 19: 16-17 that just how Jesus denies even the slightest suggestion associated with divinity. That Dean jerrod brother tries to be able to answer me by seeking to quote the context of the verse and verses after it. These people start quote in order to me Matthew nineteen: 20, but leave verses 18 & 19 in typically the middle. So what on earth is inappropriate using these verses? Effectively there is nothing in the verses, wrong is definitely what the house of worship teaches and exactly what Christians practice. Since the church preaches that the tips were nailed for the cross as St . Paul claimed. But it goes against typically the teachings of Erlöser Christ. As Christ says in Matt 19: 17, keep the commandments and once he is questioned exactly what these commandments, Jesus says,

"Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit marriage act, Thou shalt not necessarily steal, Thou shalt not bear fake witness, Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as yourself. "

The Christians do not follow this kind of teaching of Christ Christ, but instead that they follow the theories of the chapel and St. John, which contradict the teachings of Christ. They certainly the equivalent thing with Ruben 14, they quotation the verse fourteen and 20, nevertheless leave the sentirse 15 and 21 years old, where Jesus tells them to maintain the commandments.

Erlöser Christ even proceeded to say throughout the Gospel of Matthew 5: 17-20,

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or maybe the prophets: My partner and i is not take place to destroy, but for fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till bliss and earth move, one jot or perhaps one tittle should in no smart pass from the law, till almost all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these kinds of least commandments, plus shall teach adult men so, he should be called typically the least in the kingdom of nirvana: but whosoever shall do and teach them, exactly the same shall be called good in the empire of heaven. Intended for My answer is unto you, That except the righteousness shall go over the righteousness involving the scribes in addition to Pharisees, ye should in no circumstance enter into the dominion of heaven. "

This is not the only teaching of Jesus the Church contradicts; the truth is the doctrine of Trinity also proceeds against the theories of Jesus Christ. As this blog post "Trinity" claims, the term 'Trinity' does not exist in typically the Bible. And the passage closest to Trinity (1 John your five: 7) has been dumped of typically the Revised Version of the Bible as a possible interpolation. And any time someone asked Christ that what is definitely the most essential commandment, Jesus repetitive what Moses had said earlier, "Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adonai Ikhad". (Mark 12: 29) This means, "Hear, U Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord. inches

So it will be must for each and every Religious to follow typically the teachings of Jesus Christ and keep typically the commandments. Especially the particular first commandment and thus believe inside of that God is definitely One. Liaqat Qazi is a college student of Islam and even Comparative Religions, that runs a website called Peacebook, where he discusses issues in relation to all major World Religions. He furthermore discusses the almost all controversial issues on the subject of Islam and also other foi in a logical way, with resistant from the faith based scriptures. who is jesus
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