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i hate my cousins and my life , its so unfair to me ? i didnt do anything especially Ate Ballori and Micmic like sisters:<
Just today i was eating popsicle and then Micmic saw me and then she cried cuz she wanted it , and ate Ballori . I was about to pour sugar until she said " - my nickname - let - cousin name - pour the sugar " i was really silent that time since i really wanted to pour it , she's talking about "dont talk to the person when they're in a bad mood" yeah right shut up , even if ur in a bad mood ur still unfair and u still hate me , if u dont treat me right then i dont? i literally deserve a better life i didnt do anything to them and both of them are getting mad , i have insomnia and anxiety , anger issues , trust issues. Im never ever stepping out of my comfort zone my trust issues and anger issues and anxiety and insomia has just gotten worse cuz of my life right now my insomnia i keep getting hard sleep cuz of all the stress i got and also anxiety how they treat me , and also anger issues of how some of my cousins get angry and doesn't treat me right and especially my trust issues has really just gotten higher 90 percent , cuz i trusted them I TRUSTED THEM ?! AND NOW THEY'RE TREATING ME LIKE GARBAGE ?! HOW DARE THEY AFTER HOW I TREATED THEM AND TRUSTED THEM THEY'RE GONNA TREAT ME LIKE THAT? theres no way im trusting and treating them nice no more and anymore enough is ENOUGH all of my problems just gotten higher 99 percent just one more and i'll lose control they're a betrayer and backstabber/s i rather live with my classmate than my cousin/s im literally stressing out ? no i alr said it enough is Enough im not treating them nice and trusting them if they dont do that i wont too i dont need them , i need SLEEP and REST after all of those circles like saturn going on my head im so stressed out im not gonna lie i deserve better not some human/s who's just gonna betray me and treat me like garbage i've so been tired with ate Ballori i hate her so much and Micmic im so tired of this ugly worst life i literally wanna go to the after life . im so tired of Micmic "WAHHHHHHHH" LIKE NO NO NO STOP CRYING I HATE UR UGLY SCREAMING VOICE SO MUCH ALWAYS CRYING WHY DID I LIVE WITH YOU THAT'S WHY I ALWAYS GET BLAMED FOR NOTHING I DID CUZ OF U ,u too Riley lier when u gave me fries and said "oh its about to get finished" but when i look at th plate there's like a lot, i deserve better 100 percent tomorrow im sure the 99 percent is 100.
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