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= In a very old time, there's a king that rules a land, some of the king's ideas are progressive, but others cause people to suffer. One of the king's ideas was a public arena as an agent of poetic justice, with guilt or innocence decided by the result of chance. If an accused person step in the arena he would either, choose the door which led to a hungry tiger which he'll be eaten alive or a lady which he'll be marrying. The king has a daughter who is beautiful, paler and whiter than everyone, and who was like him in many ways. The king learns that his daughter has a lover who is a handsome and brave man and also a commoner and has him put in prison. By the time that day comes, the princess has used her influence to learn the positions of the lady and the tiger behind the two doors, which led her to contemplate whether she would guide him to the hungry tiger or to the lady whom she hates to see with his beloved, she discreetly indicates the door on his right, which he opens. The outcome of this choice is not revealed. Instead, the narrator departs from the story to summarize the princess's state of mind and her thoughts about directing the accused to one fate or the other, as she will lose him either to death or to marriage.

= It is interesting that it is an open-ended story which added to the intense feeling that the readers felt reading the story. I like the way the author left a question at the ending that will surely attack the curiosity of all the readers. Also, the part where the young man is in the arena which he will either choose the tiger or the lady, I like how he trusted the princess on which door he'll choose because he also knows that the princess knows which door inside has the tiger and the lady.

= It can be unpleasant to hear that the ones who's accused will be put in a life-or-death situation and will be watch by many people. I don't like the way the princess felt during her contemplation on choosing the door because she felt sad and jealous that maybe if her lover chose the lady he will get married to the lady and leave her behind. It can be solved by accepting the fate of her beloved instead of seeing him all painted by blood. Additionally, I also don't like how the author leave the story where the young man just opened the door and didn't tell whether it is the tiger or the lady which can be frustrating.
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