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Orbera Balloon
A gastric balloon, also known as an intragastric balloon, is an inflatable medical device placed in the stomach. It is designed to help people who are obese reduce their weight without surgery. However, it is not recommended for people who do not want to undergo surgery. The balloon is a great way to lose weight when your diet and exercise plan have failed.
Complications of ORBERA balloon

The FDA has received reports of four deaths associated with the use of the ORBERA balloon, four of which were outside the United States, and one death that occurred inside the U.S. These deaths were attributed to gastric perforation. All five cases occurred within one to three weeks of the balloon's placement.

During the first few days, patients can experience some side effects, including gastric discomfort, abdominal cramps, and acid reflux. If these symptoms are prolonged, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. You should call your doctor if you are experiencing abdominal pain or vomiting and cannot drink any liquids. Vomiting can result in a loss of water and salt, which can be dangerous. In severe cases, you may need to go to the hospital to be checked for heart or kidney problems. If the problem persists, the physician may prescribe medicine to help you feel better, or he or she may remove the balloon altogether.

A 36-year-old Middle-Eastern woman presented to the emergency department with a one-day history of severe epigastric pain, abdominal distention, and nausea. She had no previous history of chronic illnesses or recent trauma. She denied having consumed alcohol or any other drugs. Her vital signs were stable.
Requirements for ORBERA balloon placement

In order to successfully complete an ORBERA balloon placement, patients must meet specific requirements. These include a history of gastrointestinal disorders, a physical examination focusing on the gastrointestinal system, and no prior stomach surgery. Certain factors, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and pregnancy, are absolute contraindications to this procedure. A hiatus in the esophagus is also considered an absolute contraindication. The patient should also be free of psychiatric disorders, which can interfere with his or her ability to comply with the procedure.

If an initial diagnostic endoscopy indicates that the patient is a good candidate for the procedure, a deflated gastric balloon will be inserted into the stomach. The balloon is then filled with sterile saline using a syringe. The balloon stays in the stomach for about six months. This reduces the amount of food that can be consumed, and trains the patient to know when they are full.

The procedure is usually completed in an outpatient surgery setting and usually takes 20-30 minutes. The ORBERA balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth, and a saline fluid is pumped into the balloon. A patient will have to follow the same dietary and behavior changes as they would for weight loss surgery.

If the patient is currently obese and has failed to lose weight with diet and exercise, they are a good candidate for ORBERA balloon placement. After the procedure, patients will need to adhere to an aftercare program designed to support them as they continue to lose weight.
Cost of ORBERA balloon

The cost of the ORBERA balloon varies depending on where you live. In the USA, the procedure is priced at about $8,248. In the UK, the procedure is slightly cheaper at about £4,300. Turkey is also a cheaper option. In addition to the Orbera balloon, some centers offer a double balloon, called a Reshape balloon. This procedure is less expensive than the original and can help obese people who suffer from chronic illnesses lose weight.

The cost of an ORBERA balloon is not covered by medical insurance. It depends on the surgeon and the state you live in. However, some surgeons offer affordable and transparent pricing. You can also choose a financing option. Some plans offer no payments for the first three months. While the procedure is not covered by medical insurance, it can help you lower your out-of-pocket expenses and enjoy a more active lifestyle.

The procedure itself takes around 20-30 minutes. Recovery will take about two hours. After the procedure, patients may experience some discomfort for a few days. After that, they can return home. However, they should avoid excessive physical activity for the first few days after the procedure. As with any surgical procedure, there is a chance that the balloon will deflate. In some cases, this can cause bowel blockage. However, there have been no reported cases of death from this condition.

The Orbera balloon is a relatively inexpensive alternative to bariatric surgery for obese patients. It is inserted into the stomach through an endoscope and then filled with saline. Once the balloon reaches the correct size, blue dye is added to monitor its holes. The balloon stays in the stomach for about 6 months and can help a patient lose weight.
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