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funeral program
funeral program
funeral program

During the last few months of my husband's life, I had the inspiration to plant 100 feet of roses in front of our house. My husband was dying of multiple myeloma cancer. We had exhausted all the possibilities of a recovery. His cancer was in the late stages when it was discovered and none of the treatments were working.

I don't advocate executing all killers. Crimes of passion generally don't qualify for the death penalty. Good people sometimes make mistakes and are not a true threat to society. Their crimes must be punished, but they can often be released after their debt is paid with no risk to the community. It is the habitual killer, the repeat offender, the man (or woman) who has killed before and will kill again, who needs to be put to sleep. It has to be done for the safety of others, and no amount of rationalizing is going to change the fact that it is the right thing to do.

Taps and dies are used to thread metal screws in watches. The Bergeon Assortment of Taps and Dies varies from .3 mm to 1 mm. It is a tool that is meant for professional use. It is set in metric sizes. The taps and dies come in a wooden case, neatly stored. It has eight dies ranging from .3 mm up to 1 mm, in increments of .1 mm. There are eight sets of 3 taps that come in steel tubes. It has one die holding device. The taps and dies can also be used with a tap tool. It is a Swiss made tool, so precision is guaranteed.

The memories of your loved ones stay with you where ever you go in life. No matter how old you get they are always there. Your heart fills with love when you think of them. You have the memories to pass on to your children and your grandchildren; stories that are funny make you laugh when you tell them. In a way your loved ones are still alive with you always. You cherish the time you had with them. As long as you remember them through stories they are never truly gone. They are always close by, with a smile and a hug. Death touches everyone in life from the very young to the very old. How we handle it is what is important to our lives and the lives of those around us.

When your leave your body (you are "dead"), you will first be projected - in real time, for the first few days - in a realm that is close to the physical world. It will last until your etheric matter runs out of you. You are then going through something like second death, entering the Astral dimension/plane of existence. In the astral, the soul will purge itself from all desires remained from the physical world. There, you can have everything you want, in abundance. This is done through the creative power of your subconscious mind. You will saturate your every desire and need in order to see that they are just illusions.

When using a tap care must be taken not to break the tap off mid repair. Due to the type of steel and heat treatment used to get the hard cutting edge taps can be quite brittle. If a piece of the tap id broken off in a hole it can be extremely hard to remove it and as the tap will probably harder that the average drill bit even drilling it out is not always an option.

I am humbled by the knowing that I am an energy being first. Because if this is true, I have a lot to look forward to even long after I have left this physical time space reality. And so do you.

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