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For those who don't know my name is Keturah Marie grant. I am 15 I'm in grade 10 and live with 2 brothers and one sister. So all my life I was raised in a christen environment my parents were christen my grandparents were christen and even my great grate grandparents. So it's always been a thing in my family. When I was around 7 my dad started getting really angry at my and my siblings I never new why tho I always thought it was just me and my siblings fighting. But the. I started noticing that the babysitters we use to always have stopped. coming. And that was because my parents stopped going on dates and just hanging out together alone. Now skip ahead a couple years to when I was 9 and my parents say us down and told us they were getting a divorce. Now skip even farther ahead when I was 10. My mom was always working in the stats witch MENT she would fly out there for weeks at a time. One night my dad was getting really mad at my brothers and he was yelling and screaming and he did this thing where he would jabe his finger in your collar bone so you wouldst know that that was never to be done again. So he was screaming and yelling and I even for get what it was about but it was big. Now my brothers were at the point where they wanted to defined for them selfs and protect me and my sister. They felt like it was there job. now there bigger then us and WAY stronger then us. So when I ran down stairs to find my brother pined up agienst the wall and my dads fist barred in the wall I tried to pull him off cause there was no way I would not let him heart my big brother. So my dad not thinking wiped his arm back as hard as possible and slammed me in to the wall. My big brother started hitting and hitting at my dad cause he was so mad and didn't k ow what to do my little brother came out screaming and yelling. And then my dad took off he took the car packed his stuff and left for almost a week my mom didn't know where he was or what he was doing. So she kinda just stopped everything that was going on she stopped cooking she stopped being there for us she just stopped. So for a while me and my siblings took care of our selfs. Now skip to when I was 11 and my dad had came back I had sorta forgiven him and everything was right in Keturah land. But it seemed that nothing ever stayed that way. I never knew why but me and my mom had not been getting along at all. I was always yelling at her and screaming and we had even gotten in to some physical altercation. That I was never proud of. But my mom and me had stopped talking and just I felt like I was in my own little world. Now this part you may not get but everyday it felt like nothing was wrong I was lieing to myself and everyone else. My mom had started drinking and smoking a lot and that made me even more mad so I was just living a life with just me in it I have never been a really popular person in school and never had a lot of friends cause I just never wanted any. So that made everything even worst. Ok so let's skip to when I was 13 and has just started youth group. I got invited and only went cause I knew people my bro and sister went and I knew there was games and food cap I was like ok I'll just sleep thought the bibley thing and ya I'll be ok but then after a while sleeping and zoning out of the bibley part has become really hard to do so I stopped I had tried to listen to what Micah was saying. Now fast forward to this summer. When I was at tidal impact. Now for tho use who don't k ow music has always been a HUGE part of my life and I mean massive with music I'm in my own little world. Now when you mix my love for music and how powerful worshiping music is it gets intense and that's a good thing. When I was at TI that's when I had really listened to the lyrics to the songs and the music that made me go in my own little world made me go in to a world with God. And that was just AMAZING!!!!!!! I loved it it's the thing I look forward to the most!! And so I am now truly accepting christ in to my life and wanting to live a life for him and him only. And that's what I'm telling everyone next Sunday at Immanuel cause I GETTING BAPTISED !!!!!!!!!! So right now I don't feel sorry for my self anymore cause with out my past I wouldn't be who I am today and I love being me and there was a time when I didn't and it's awesome now. So right now everything's all right in Keturah land and it's all turning out to be a big happy story.
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