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As if an Olympian god kissing her out of nowhere wasn't strange enough, Nico appeared next to her. He tapped her shoulder and purred in greeting, "Reyna, my love."

Reyna sighed. Sooner or later, she'd have a talk with Venus, like the one back in Charleston. The cookies were good, but Reyna was told she wouldn't find any love soon, which Reyna was glad for, honestly. Now it seemed like Lady Venus was going back on her words, attacking Reyna in the form of Apollo and Nico.

Nico strutted around to face Reyna, winked at her in the process, and grabbed her hand. "What do you say we go on a walk later today, Rey?" he suggested, shooting her another seductive wink.

Reyna almost wished she was kissing Apollo again. "No thank you," she replied, pulling her hand back.

Nico laughed a little bit too loud. "That's hilarious, Reyna. /You're/ hilarious. Have I ever told you how wonderful you are when you tell jokes?"

Reyna scowled. "Not recently."

"Well, you are. Hey, would you like a tour of the Underworld? I know how much you like war, and I've got some interesting war figures there. We could - "

"No thank you, Nico." She forced the words out as politely as she could. "Please go check on the fawns instead. I know Grover's worried for the feast later today."

"What? No! Reyna! How about we go fight some monsters together?"

Something in Reyna snapped at that.

"Or we could spar? Grab some hot cocoa? Talk about a praetor's duties when one is in love? How about love in general?"

Reyna's eye twitched.

Nico burst into laughter. "Okay, I get it. You're the poem type. Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm in love, and so are you! How was that? Reyna?"

Reyna had it decided. She held up her weapon from before. "I'll be seeing you in Olympus, Venus. On my terms, this time, unlike Charleston."

A delicate smirk appeared Nico's face. "I'll await your arrival, my love." And with that, Nico's expression faded away. He fell to his knees, clutching his head, and groaned. "Reyna?" he asked.

Reyna sighed in relief, helping Nico to his feet, Nico muttering, "Strangest dream... In love... You... Holding hands..."

"Don't worry about it," Reyna told him. "It was just a dream."

"Yeah... I don't even think of you in that way... Aphrodite is one cruel goddess."

Reyna could only agree.
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