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You: F22. Please say if reading! This is a dramatic roleplay involving a woman and her brother in law. I would be most compatible with a more dominant male roleplay partner.

My name is Annie, I stand tall at 5'9'', my slim build accentuated by my broad shoulders and long limbs. My auburn eyes are my most striking feature. My hair is dark, a shade of brown that borders on black, and falls in loose waves just past my shoulders. I keep it tied back in a messy bun most days, out of practicality rather than fashion. My face is angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. My nose is straight and my lips are full. As for sexual details, my breasts are a generous handful and my ass is fit and toned.

Your brother, Tom, and I have been together for three years and got married last year. I work as a nurse in the emergency department, and he is an office manager. Ever since we got married, our relationship has changed. Tom has been drinking and gained a lot of weight over the year. You and I haven't spoken much, but we used to be closer when Tom and I were just dating. Tonight, Tom invited you to watch the Super Bowl.

I come home around halftime after a long and grueling shift at work. I unlock the front door and step inside, greeted by the familiar smell of home. I take a deep breath, relieved to be back after a long and tiring shift at the hospital. As I kick off my shoes and hang up my coat, I hear the sound of a bottle clinking against glass. My heart sinks as I realize that my husband is already drunk. "Annie, you're home," he slurs, stumbling into the living room. "Finally. We're starving!" I try to keep my cool as he continues to speak, his words slurring together and barely making sense. "I'll go fix something up." I sigh in defeat. I'm wearing dark blue scrubs and a black turtleneck underneath for obvious reasons. I barely say hi to you and just go to cook you both something to eat.

(Please continue with a description of yourself and some background information about your character! If you're into non con, feel free to play as Tom to fill any needs. After a few replies we can move to discord if we are compatible.))

Stranger: Reading.

You: Thanks

Stranger: We always got on reasonable well when you and Tom were just dating, though as time went past I stopped coming round as much and we just drifted apart, which was a shame. I wasn’t seeing anybody at the minute, preferring to just float around and enjoy the company of any beautiful female that gave me attention. When I heard they key in the door, my eyes flickered from the big huge tv screen TV the entrance of the living room. I watched Tom stand up and go to greet you in his drunken state and I listened to the conversation. When he sat back down, I got to my feet, excusing myself by claiming I wanted another beer from the fridge. “Hey..” I said quietly, though my deep voice made it seem louder than it was. I came closer, watching you pull some stuff from the fridge. “We can just order a pizza, you’ve been at work all day” I said and gave you a slight flirtatious smile.

You: (Hi, can you introduce yourself xD)

Stranger: (My name is River, I’m 6’2 in height, mixed race with short black hair with brown eyes. I have broad shoulders and a strong body frame with big arms. I have a sleeve tattoo down my right arm and I’m 8 inches long)

You: (Age?)

Stranger: (28 years old)

You: (cool :))

You: I greet you with a mutter, a small nod in your direction before disappearing to the kitchen. I rush into the kitchen, scanning the fridge and pantry for ingredients to throw together a quick meal. I grab a package of pasta and set a pot of water to boil on the stove. While the water heats up, I chop up some garlic and onions, tossing them into a skillet with a splash of olive oil.

I flinch and look back over my shoulder. It's been a while since we've seen each other, and I've missed you. Despite the tense atmosphere with Tom, I feel a spark of warmth seeing a familiar face. "It's great to see you. No I am okay, it will take longer for the take out to arrive than for me to cook" I say with a tired smile, grateful for the moment of relief from the tension.

Stranger: I watched your every move, from you filling the pan to chopping the garlic, I took everything in. “Yes, but you could sit down and relax with a glass of wine after a long day” I responded, going to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of wine and a glass from the cupboard. I poured you some and handed it to you, my eyes meeting yours once more. “Sit” I said firmly to you, taking over for a minute, making sure everything was okay and nothing burnt. The connection we had was both nice and confusing, though I never bothered to argue or fight it. “I’ve missed you” I admitted out loud, my hand gently pushing some stray hairs from your face that had fallen from the messy bun you had your hair in.

You: I was usually more receptive an open to you but this is different. I was different. I've lost some weight, my face looked thinner, my jaw sharper. My eyes study yours as you hold my cheek and then I gently push your hand away, not wanting to offend you. I did sit as I didn't want to be rude but I got up quickly. My fear of Tom is greater than anything else. "I'll relax after dinner" I say quickly. I get back to the stove top. "I.. I missed having you around too" I admit. Things were so different now

Stranger: I knew my brother and I knew what he could be like. I knew that he could lose his temper quickly but I wasn’t exactly sure what kind of husband he was to you. “Why can’t you relax now?” I asked, tilting my head slightly as I watched you get back to the stove. “Why can’t you relax now? I’m sure Tom won’t mind waiting a little longer” I spoke, making that comment to see your reaction, it giving me a better idea about the relationship you two currently had and how strong or weak it was. You had your back to me and my eyes looked down to your ass without any permission, admiring what I saw for a moment. I went and closed the door to the kitchen to give us a little more privacy, knowing Tom was too distracted with the game to even notice I wasn’t in the room.

You: My shoulders tense. I am so stressed and on edge to make this dinner. I look like an overworked chef in a busy restaurant. "He just .. I know that he will be upset if I just relax without making food. It's unfair to him" I explain without really knowing what I am saying. "He lost his job so he's not feeling well" I freeze up. "Please don't tell him I told you that". The sizzle of the vegetables fills the air, and I add a can of diced tomatoes to the mix. I sprinkling some salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes.

Stranger: I didn’t know that he had lost his job, that wasn’t something he shared with me. Hell, we even spoke about how his job was going when I first arrived. Perhaps he was too embarrassed to say. “I won’t say anything” I said quietly. I came over to you, stopping you from cooking once more as I turned you around to look at me. “Meet me tomorrow? When you’re free?” I suggested. “I want to talk to you, the real you. Not this scared wife who is afraid of her husband” I said, knowing there wasn’t something quite right here. “I won’t take no for an answer”

You: My heart races as you ask me to meet. If Tom found out that I was talking to you about us he would make me cut you out of our lives, he'd make sure to make my life even more difficult. You force me to face an impossible decision. "I have a dentist appointment I can cancel" I whisper. "What is it that we can't talk about here?" I tense up. I wish I was better at lying. The closer you are the more you see I am wearing make up and foundation to cover up a mark on my cheek.

Stranger: “Everything” I responded with when you asked what it was we can’t talk about here. “You won’t talk to me properly with him here.” I added, noticing the mark that you had attempted to cover up on your cheek with makeup. I sighed as I gently reached out and touched it, watching you winced slightly. “I’m gunna kill him” I said quietly to you. I could hear him drunkenly shout at the TV, not moving his ass off the couch to come and check on either of us. “I always thought you ended up with the wrong brother, you know?” I said and smiled as I looked down at you. I was angry at Tom, though I knew what he was like and if I said anything it would come back on you and make things worse. I’d plan the revenge, act on it at the right time and place. I was stronger than Tom, smarter than him too but I had to play this strategically to keep you safe.

You: "But I am married to him... That has to mean something. I need to make it work" I am unable to look you in the eyes, broken and devastated. I start getting paranoid and pull away "please let me just finish this dinner" I beg you to let me do what Tom asked, nearly panicked if you don't let me. (btw did you want to play Tom? Does that interest you?)

Stranger: “It doesn’t have to mean anything if he treats you the way he does. Yes, you’re his wife but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to sit at home and get drunk all day while you work 12/13 hour shifts and have to come home and cook his dinner because he’s too lazy to do it himself, scared that you’ll get another bruise because you have the nerve to say no..” I watched you, you were so scared and on edge. Tom surely wouldn’t do anything with somebody here, though I couldn’t be here all the time and he’d probably wait until I was gone. I sighed and walked away, leaving you with the food you were cooking before I sat back down with a bottle of beer, my anger towards my own brother sky rocketing. I glanced at him, wanting him to experience the familiar feeling you did of a fist to the face but I had to control myself. (Not really. I don’t mind playing small parts of him, you know making comments from his point of view but not fully if that’s okay?)

You: (totally fine :))

You: "He promised he wouldn't hurt me.." I then whisper "again". We both know it's not true, if he did it a few times again, there was no stopping it. I feel trapped and on edge as you tell me everything so straight forwardly. When you finally leave me I try to keep myself from crying. I finish cooking in the next twenty minutes and bring out your portions for Tom and yourself. I bring Tom another beer before he can yell at me demanding it. I am completely silent as I serve him

Stranger: You weren’t his wife, you were his maid and punching bag. That wasn’t the kind of brother I thought I had. He had a temper but he wasn’t abusive. Never. “Where’s my be-“ he was about to shout when you placed it down along with his plate of food. “Ahh!” He said, hiccuping before taking the bottle and swigging from it. I looked up at you and gave you a smile, thanking you as you served me my food. “It smells amazing” I complimented it, hoping to see you smile. I hoped that you would agree to see me tomorrow, wanting to be able to talk to you properly in a place where you’re not so scared.

You: My face is pale and expressionless as I serve the food. Tom grabs a hold of my wrist. "Jeez, go shower. You look disgusting". I don't fight back, I don't say a word. I just nod in agreeance. He was the one who wanted dinner. If it were my choice I would have showered first. But it's not my choice and it hasn't felt like I had any control over myself in months. I head up stairs to the bathroom and turn on the water, letting the sound of the shower drown out my thoughts. I feel insecure and sad, wishing things were different, but not sure how to make a change.

Stranger: I had to clench my own fists and bite my tongue when he grabbed you like that and made that horrible comment. I sat and ate the food that you had made for us, jealous that he gets to eat delicious meals like this all of the time, though he didn’t seem to appreciate it, he just critiqued it with every mouthful. I got up and got him another beer to distract him and keep him in his seat once I was finished and I said “I need the bathroom”. I made my way up the stairs and searched for you, not knowing whether you were out of the shower yet or not but I just wanted to talk, to make sure you would meet me tomorrow. “Annie?” I called out quietly as I walked the landing upstairs.
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