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hi its ari i am sad becuase i had a best friend and his name was midas. how i met him was when my sister was playing with a random dude in brokhaven. and she was rp with him and her friends and then he friend joined "midas" and i was rp with my sister and her friend lets name that random dude was named mike. mikes friend joined and then they started 2 hang out midas was really mean 2 my sister so i started to talk 2 him my role was a "baby" he called my sister weried and ugly. and then i told my sister that ima get myself a house i dont want 2 be a baby anymore. she said ok and then i left and got a new house midas left 2 and got a house in front of me so then he started playing music "and btw i was living alone in my house in brokhaven" i was rp and then he started 2 play loud music i was sleeping in brokhaven and then i heard loud music and then i woke up and then i went outside and saw him and i went to his door and knoked his door and then i told him can u keep the music down and then he did i went back and then he did it again he put the loud music again.i got so angry i went back and told him that i want him 2 keep the music down and he did. i went back in btw "the only resson why i minded his hes busnes becuase he was anyoing me and thats why other wise he wouldn't stop". and then i went back in he keeped on anyoing me so then i just ignored him. he friended me so i just aceepted his friend request so then i left. the next day i saw him playing so then i diecided to join him. so i did i said hi and he also said hi and then after a few monthes we knew each other alot and then he dicided 2 show me a game i got 2 know that game and it was so much fun after 3 days of playing it. he decited 2 tell me he likes me? so then i said ok and then on day 4 "today there was a boy who was saing weried stuff 2 me so then i decided 2 ignore him and the i said somthing by accedent and midas was with me and that boy was 2 midas and that boy was fighting over who i liked and then i was on phone and i was about to say that stop calling me babe 2 the other guy not midas and then i bye accedent said babe "how i accedently said babe 2 him was bye auto correct the phone had auto correct on so then it auto correct me bye saying bebe to the other guy not midas" and then midas got so angry that he even said that he would block me on roblox and we got in to a fight the other dude left and i got so angry and sad at the same time midas told me that he cant block me so then i started 2 explain on roblox chat and he dident reply me so thats why im sad. :(

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