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Criminal Defense Attorney: Grieving From A Wrongful Death
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funeral program
funeral program

This article is in response to questions asked of me concerning what happens to us during our time of death. What is the role of the angels of God at this time? I apologize that I have to be extremely brief. As you read this, it may interest you to know that recently, I have been diagnosed, for a second time, with small cell cancer in my second lung. Second lung meaning, I've already survived small cell cancer in my other lung. Death is a great possibility for me - actually, I expect it. I say this to let you know that what I'm about to say, I do so knowing I will sooner than later prove what I teach.

For many at this stage in life, the loss of a dream causes severe pain which often leads to acts of desperation to reclaim the dream or create another dream. Divorcees will often claim that their spouse made them an expendable commodity as they tried to cope with the depression of facing the reality that they weren't going to be able to experience all they wanted in life. Those in mid-life are often overwhelmed by insurmountable debt or the unexpected dependency of their children. The promotion they always thought they would get isn't going to happen. The harsh reminder of their own mortality by the death of parents is difficult to handle. The loneliness of an empty nest can be depressing. The futility of investing decades in the life of a wayward child can be maddening.

In general, families may have a hard time accepting death. They tend to avoid discussing medical problems and chronic illnesses until they are forced, by circumstances, to do so. But it is much healthier to talk about the family's feelings about the illness or eventual death of someone who has a terminal disease ahead of time! Talking about death puts everyone at ease and allows people to express their true wishes and communicate their concerns.

Somebody might have killed the tenant. You might come to know about it after some days. Well this will become a very critical case. You need to realize that if you will be a victim of this kind of case then you might be considered as a suspect.

As fear is one of the basic feelings, many are simply frightened to think about death, or at least to ask, "What will happen to me?" Instead, they just do not think and do not speak about death. According to us, it is completely wrong. Dead is not what many imagine it to be. It should be discussed and analyzed - the fear of dead should be transformed into a belief that one stage in our existence ends and another starts.

After your child dies, you will never be the same again. You will be different but even though you feel devastated, your will not be destroyed - unless you allow that to happen.

Jesus said something even more shocking earlier in this passage. He clearly proclaimed his divine nature to them. "If you knew me you would know my Father." (John 8:19) Jesus had made very plain to them that he and his Father were in perfect agreement as to what his purpose was when he took on humanity and came into this world. "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him". (John 3:17) His enemies were shocked that Jesus would claim to be God, they were astonished that he claimed power to bring salvation to their souls. This was a day for them to remember because they had never heard any man utter such outrageous things.

The wonder, the awesome picture, the magnificent promise is that Easter is about God's love, grace and so much more for one reason; simply because we are friends of the Son.

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