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We've all been there, a party, a date, a get together of some sort with family, friends or a community group and then the conversation wanes. So, what to do when conversation dies? Let's look at some steps you can take to resuscitate a conversation.

Set up a bank account in the estate's name. Family members should not pay out of pocket for anything because it can increase the value of the estate. This could also increase inheritance taxes etc.

If you have fears and concerns about death, talking with loved ones can help. Others can help us to become stronger and more resilient, and give us a healthier framework for comprehending death, and in facing the inevitability of death. Just discussing it can make us feel better. Talk to someone who has had a near death experience. Their attitude is uplifting!

Register the service if you are having one with the funeral homes web site. In years passed you needed to have a death certificate or doctors letter in order to get a discount from airlines. It is a lot easier now with the internet.

While this is a game, it's also what to do when conversation dies. Think about some subject someone mentioned, and think of something else to talk about. As an example: someone spoke of a vacation to Hawaii. When the conversation wanes, ask yourself what Hawaii makes you think of: pineapples, the TV show Hawaii-Five-O, surfing? You can then bring up this other subject.

And whether you believe the miracles recorded in the Gospels actually happened or not, doesn't really matter in the end - what matters with this story, as with all the stories recounted about Jesus, is the message or messages they bear. The spiritual teaching embodied in this story about the widow is for me profound, and not only puts a capital G in the Good News but also brings a real hope to us as we become aware of our true destiny as the beloved children of God. This story emphatically states that Jesus is the Son of God, and is the Resurrection and the Life; that only God has the answer to the human reality of death; and that we now have a real and vital hope for true healing and restoration in the future, and can begin to put death in its place.

Though religions may vary and their views of death are separate, it is important to plan ahead. By having a plan in place and a great life insurance plan you can rest easy knowing that everything will be taken care of in the way that you want.

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