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One of the major political issues in the U.S. these days is the controversy over the death penalty. Like abortion, the nation is clearly divided on the issue, but I suspect the number of people in favor outnumber the people opposed by about two to one.

As fear is one of the basic feelings, many are simply frightened to think about death, or at least to ask, "What will happen to me?" Instead, they just do not think and do not speak about death. According to us, it is completely wrong. Dead is not what many imagine it to be. It should be discussed and analyzed - the fear of dead should be transformed into a belief that one stage in our existence ends and another starts.

Cremation is done by an expert who heats the body (remember your pet doesn't feel anything anymore) to a very high heat. When the cremation is done the body is now ash and can be kept in a special jar, buried or scattered. If we decide to bury your fish, we can put him in a box, dig a hole in the backyard, put the box with the fish in the hole and fill the hole with earth. Your fish will help the garden grow. Once the life is gone, it will not come back. But you can remember and love your pet in your heart. That part never dies.

Muhammad suggested, "Die before you die or you'll die a thousand deaths." Jesus said, "Deny yourself." The self you are to deny--that must die--is not the self you really are. How could it be? It must be instead "the mind-made self"--the you, you think is you. It must be the you, you see in a mirror--what Albert Einstein called "the optical illusion in consciousness." It could not be the you, you really are. As long as you confuse the house wherein you live, however, with the person you really are, there will be resistance to aging or, more accurately, to dying and to death.

But the being of light adds no judgments or evaluations of one's life. Indeed, it seems the being of light is filled with compassion and love for the person undergoing this event. Unconditional love is displayed for the person in a NDE.

In death, one steps into one's thoughts, seemingly a small, natural step, yet from a material standpoint, it is extreme and abrupt. In time, the soul/spirit's attention finds a different focus. For those who receive prayers from loved ones on earth, this is a time when it is needed the most.

In general, families may have a hard time accepting death. They tend to avoid discussing medical problems and chronic illnesses until they are forced, by circumstances, to do so. But it is much healthier to talk about the family's feelings about the illness or eventual death of someone who has a terminal disease ahead of time! Talking about death puts everyone at ease and allows people to express their true wishes and communicate their concerns.

Besides, why would you want to live forever? Imagine if you were only a 100 year old. What would you do? Your friends are gone. Your husband/wife is dead. Your entire generation is dead. Your body is weak and you feel alone. All of that is a nature's way to say 'It's time to go' because death is a perfectly normal process in a cycle of life. It's just very inconvenient that we (humans) are smart enough to be aware of it. Although the fear of death is perfectly normal, try not to think about death, but enjoy every second of your life. Because you have only got one.

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