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Notes -

the research is on how to awnser the qeastion
Ask a question that is more like why or how, something thats looking behind the scenes of the question

week 4 will be me writing a page and it will be going to 3 other people, reading it and giving a mark out of 5

allowed to give opinions only if its backed up with facts. My opinion on the the subject does matter.

I am alowed to observe a film and add that as my opinions and what the film means

Context and background section
what is the background to the area that you are researching?
why is it important to this paricular area of academic study?
what is its significance to society at large?

could you discurss a certain artwork and say what they are trying to say?

5 mark draft

provide a brief introduction to your industry. Include an overview of the main academic arguments relating to the overall academic theory you have chosen
Narrow your discussion down by providing a brief historical context of your topic
You are encouraged to make use of examples

you can talk about the industries history, and use examples too(backround and context section)

pick a theory from the list.

twitch streaming was attacked because people didn't agree with JK Rowlings views on transgender. They were playing the harry potter game live, and people insulted them in the comments, that they went along and turned off the stream.

1. Collect evedince
look at the evedince from all angles
does it have any impact on society
have to present a balanced opinion on the matter
you have to be able to support your opinion(this is what refencing does)

Industry(Motion design) + Theory(list of theory options to choose from) + Example(the game itself) = Topic

Collect a ton of information and then put it into words
The writing doesnt take alot of time, Its the research

Referencing is borowing someonesw idea for your own work.
Give as much information as you can when referencing
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