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A boy, age 6 sat in his room avoiding the screaming and shouting, his mother and father fighting, he heard the smashing of glass, and the quiet dimmed, he wasn't concerned however and went into his bed. The next morning there is a loud bang downstairs and shouting, then a few gunshots, he runs to the top of the stairs to see his drunken father shot dead by police officers, eventually, they acknowledge the boy and take him with them, he's then taken to an adoption center in which he grows up to be now the each of 9, he gets adopted by a family. He gets adopted by Lucia and Jessie Mason. After the adoption Chris then goes by Chris Mason and is brought up in their home, Chris is mostly a clever boy but has a childlike personality which usually makes him too trusting of others around him. He is a very confident boy and very adventurous. He loves superheroes and wishes one day he could be a superhero. He's now 13, goes to school, and lives a normal life. Chris always watched superhero movies and Harrod the Heroic was his favorite. Harrod was the city's hero and had the power of Intangibility and above-average strength. He goes around saving the day and stopping people who use their powers for evil. Chris quickly without hesitation would turn on the television and would watch Harrod on the news. Today Harrod was on the news watching as he takes down two villains. Chris would watch this for hours. Chris's mother made him a costume so he could pretend to be a superhero. His costume was white and black and he wore a black mask. He had brown messy hair, short around the sides and slightly long on the top covering his fringe. He was 5'1 and incredibly thin. ''Woah! That's amazing!'' Says Chris now looking at his new superhero costume his mother had made for him. ''I hope you like it, Chris, I spent a long time making that!'' She said, now smiling. ''Yeah... Anyways, see you, mom!'' Chris now left the room, now going to his room to get dressed. He put on his costume and was running around calling himself ''Captain Heroic!'' and now entered a hero pose. He now jumps onto the couch and starts doing his hero pose, he jumps off and pretends to fly. ''Be careful!'' Shouts his mother. ''Sure!'' Shouts Chris, now running around his living room.
It's now 10 pm, and Chris becomes tired, so he gets his pajamas on and heads to bed. The next morning Chris heads downstairs and turns on the TV, he now switches to the news, now everywhere, it's said Harrod the Heroic has been killed by a villain and his identity was revealed to be Harry Francis and his family mourns his death gratefully and a memorial is being set at the place he was killed. Chris is devastated that his favorite hero is killed, but has to get on with his day and go to school. Chris gets on the school bus looking out the window, now imagining himself as a superhero. They arrive at school and Chris gets off the bus, now running inside, hyper. He gets caught by his teacher and is given detention after school ''I swear that teacher hates me!'' He mumbles under his breath, Chris now gets to class and sits down in his chair. After long hours of learning, he finally gets ready to leave, he then remembers he has a detention with Mister Splinter. Mister Splinter is a name the students give him as a joke because he's so horrible and strict. Chris slowly walks to Mister Splinter's class and walks in. ''Take a seat, Mr. Mason. We have long hours ahead of us.'' Says Mister Splinter, now looking down at his papers, beginning to write. Chris sits down and watches as the clock moves slowly. ''Alright, you can leave, close the door behind you. And don't let me catch you running in the halls again!'' He said with a firm tone.
Chris gets home and goes to his room. He'd lay in his bed, now tired, and he'd go downstairs for his tea and would take it to his room. He'd eat his food and would fall asleep.
The next morning Chris wakes up getting ready for school. He puts on new clothes and gets on the school bus. He gets off and walks into school instead of running.
He meets one of his friends, Ollie, who is Chris's closest friend. ''Hey, Chris!'' Shouts Ollie. ''Hey, Ollie!'' Chris shouts. ''What lesson we got today, I never check, it usually bores me.'' Says, Chris. ''I have no idea.'' Replies Ollie. ''Ok, see ya!'' Shouts Chris. Chris now walks down the corridor and sees a boy who is being bullied, Chris thinks that he's a superhero and wants to help ''Hey! Stop that!'' Chris shouts, and the bully ignores him and keeps going. ''I said... ''Hey! Stop that!'' Chris shouts. ''What?!'' Shouts the bully. The bully's name is Aiden Dexter and he likes to make fun of people because he claims it's ''funny''. Chris stands there in his hero pose now looking at Aiden. Aiden turns to Chris ''Get away, freak! This doesn't concern you!'' Aiden says, now rubbing his hands. Aiden's hand begins to glow a bright light, and he now blasts Chris, which sends Chris far backward, causing concern amongst his peers. Chris gets up, now running towards Aiden, to Aiden's surprise Chris tackles him to the ground, but suddenly Mister Splinter breaks it up, and now blames Chris for the incident. Mister Splinter now gives Chris another detention. Chris sighs and now walks down the corridor. This now causes a bounty on Chris's head. And Aiden wants to take revenge on Chris.
Chris suddenly goes outside where he walks around looking at the birds in the sky. He for some reason is happy, he finally defended himself like a real hero. Chris sits down and waits for lunch. He falls asleep outside and wakes up to another teacher finding him ''Are you alright, buddy?'' The teacher asked. Chris was awoken ''What? Of course, I am!'' Says Chris, now getting up. ''Where are you supposed to be?'' The teacher asked. ''I'm not sure...'' Replied Chris. ''C'mon, we'll find your class.'' Said the teacher. They eventually get there, and Chris walks in, sitting down, he stretches and now begins falling asleep once again. He wakes up to the bell and now it's lunch. Aiden finds him, and begins taunting him, Chris ignores him, Chris then turns around, Aiden is extremely annoyed, he blasts Chris who then flies into the fence, Chris gets up to fight, Aiden having the advantage then blasts him, Chris gets thrown and hits his head on the corner of the table. This kills Chris, and Chris lies on the floor, Aiden runs away not wanting to get caught. The rest of the people in the yard are concerned, seeing blood dripping from Chris's head. Someone headed to get the teacher, and the teacher came out, he was shocked and surprised to see Chris, he asks what happened, and everyone says he just fell. The teacher calls the ambulance and they arrive shortly after, taking him away, Chris is pronounced dead, and his parents are saddened and devastated by the news and they fall to the ground crying. Chris's injury slowly stitches itself back together, his back heals from its bruises. Chris quickly regains consciousness ''Gah!'' He doesn't understand what's happening and quickly walks away, he tried heading home, he got home, opens the door, and walks upstairs, he feels tired. He finds his mother upstairs, she turns, screaming ''Ahh!'' She shouts. Chris gets startled ''Chris?!'' She shouts. ''Yeah?'' Says Chris, still tired. ''How are you-'' She can't get her words out, Chris's other mother comes running upstairs ''Chris?!'' She shouts ''Can you all just stop shouting, you're giving me a headache...'' Chris replies. ''I don't know, I was being attacked, then I woke up in a strange place,'' Chris said. His mother quickly checks his head, to find he has no scratches and no wounds. She seems shocked but released he's ok.
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