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Due to all the mixed reports of what went down I decided to post a detailed account of what actually happened. The story I'm about to tell you may seem biased or one-sided but I assure you it is the complete unaltered truth. First off let me say our court system is completely fucked. Now onto the action.

It was a normal day in my eyes. Just finished checking the space when my brother approaches and asks if I want to play a game of halo with him. Since I haven't played with him lately I decided to be nice and play with him. I do my normal routine and plug up my iPod to his stereo and make sure that volume isn't loud enough to disrupt anyone else in the household. I decide to play some ismfof (I Set My Friends On Fire). We play a game or two and my father walks in. "But the NUNS are watching!," happened to be playing and my father heard repeated use of the word "fuck". He decided to bitch a little, but what concerned parent wouldn't? I retaliate with the a simple sarcastic remark about living under his dictatorship. He agrees that it is a dictatorship and he is the dictator and proceeds to leave the room.

Approximately 10 minutes later my brother and I are conversing in my room and ismfof is playing once again. My father again hears the word. He starts going on an epic rant about how this isn't allowed in his house. He starts complaining about other stuff that I have done in the past. He eventually directs his attention back to the music and says how it's against our morals and our beliefs. I strike back telling him I'm not christian so it's not against my beliefs. He then approaches me very quickly and gets in my face yelling, "OH YOUR NOT A CHRISTIAN NOW HUH? WELL GET OUT OF MY HOUSE THEN." He's so close I can smell his disgusting repulsive breath. As I turn my head in disgust he assumes attack position with one fist out front and one fist raised behind his head. He repeatedly yells, "COME ON HIT ME PLEASE HIT ME COME ON DO IT." I am at this point scared shitless. I won't lie. He's 6'4 and weighs 300 pounds. He is huge. So I say in a reasonable voice, "No just get away from me." At this point hell decides to break loose.

He death grabs my shoulders with a violent look on his face. Pushing me down into my chair and squeezing my shoulders tightly. As the pain sets in I quickly lose control of my emotions. I tell him, "Get the fuck off of me and try to brush his ogre like hands off of me. Due to his very high IQ he decides punching my in the ribs multiple times would be a good idea. Now that I am in more pain I decide it would be a good idea to call the cops and I do.

Let me say something right here. I am a firm believer in discipline. Spankings work and I am not against that. I however believe using closed fist to punch your child is not an acceptable form of punishment. Now back to the story.

My step-mom decides to come in and put her two-cents in. She comes in and starts bitching about how I'm an idiot and how my dad or even her could lose their jobs(shes head of resources for bartow sheriffs department). Shocked is what this made me. She started listing all these things justifying his actions on hitting me. I let her ramble on for a few minutes without it really getting to me too bad. Then I realized me two little sisters are listening and there mother is basically saying how it's acceptable for my dad to discipline up by punching us. That really pissed me off. So I argued back with her. All I can remember saying is, "How can you justify this? How can this be right?." She just kept listing reasons why I shouldn't have called the cops. Tears are in my eyes at this point and my head is rushing with thoughts of, "how come nobody is on my side? How can this be happening right now?" They eventually leave but I can still hear mumbled conversation of my dads rage getting the best of him.

We were actually getting ready to leave for church while this whole thing was happening. I was supposed to be meeting Mar, Morgan, Joey, Dan, and Branden at church for the battle of the bands show at Victory. So I texted Mar when my parents left my room. I told her I wouldn't be making it because of an emergency. She told me her, Morgan, Dan, and Joey would be there immediately.

The cop shows up and I give him my story yada yada. I fill out paperwork yada yada. My friends show up about 5 minutes after the cop appeared. I go and stand by them and tell them what was going on and the cop calls me over a few times to talk to me and ask me some questions. He goes into the house to do the same thing with my parents. Eventually he calls me into the house to talk with both of us. The crew remains by the truck. He talks with us inside for about a minute or two and then turns to me and says, "I'm placing you under arrest because I find you are the aggressor." HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Bitch ass mother fucker. I call the cops for help because I'm scared shitless and this is what happens to me? He places me under arrest and my dad is free to go. Hmm I'm sure my step-moms ties with the sheriffs office had nothing to do with this. The crew sees wtf is going on and decides maybe it would be a good time to leave.

I get booked in bartow and as I go into the first holding cell I can hear one of the black guys say, "look at this white motherfucker scared shitless." They put me in the cell with them then. One guy says, "Freshmeat!" then explains he's just kidding that jail isn't like you hear about. Needless to say I made friends with these black motherfuckers quick. There isn't really much to say about the whole jail experience except it's boring as hell. If you have any questions ask in the comments.

I had first appearance thursday at 1pm. The judge gave me PTR (pre-trial release) with no bond cost. Everyone thought this was weird because that never happens with domestic violence cases. I just figured she was smart and could read the fucking report. Good judge. So I was impatiently all day and finally get released around 10 at night. I call my mom and she doesn't answer. I then proceed to read one of my 28 new text messages. Meghin said when I got out if I needed a ride she would help me out. Worked out perfectly. So as I'm waiting everyone who got out with me needed to use my cell. So I let them use it in exchange for cigarettes because im obviously stressed out. I don't normally smoke but right now it was crucial. My mom then calls me back and very mellowly asks, "What do you need?" I told her I needed a ride but I got one. Quickly she retorts with, "Don't come here. I love you but I don't want you living with me."

Yay! I'm going through the most difficult time of my life right now and shes telling me she loves me but she isn't going to be there for me. Life rocks.

Now Meghin picks me up and I have absolutely no Idea where I'm going for the night. I call a few people and finally Smeen's Mom lets me come over just for the night. I eventually get there after thanking Meghin a million times. Now I have to get to the PTR center at 830 in the morning. So I call around and the only way I can get a ride is if I leave Smeens and stay with an ex-gf. So hear I am now. I'm a free nigga. For now at least. My court date is the 25th. Wish me the best of luck.

I'm glad we got that out of the way.
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