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-Ur failling the test procedure , that is a violation of article 67 and can be reported to your Overseer
-U just violated article 46 by shooting that unarmed class D , wich i will report to ur Overseer , instead u should have excorted them back to the CDC Area as they arent considered a threath
-unarmed Personal please head to the next safe Area near you and stay there till the Threath is contained, All ongoing Test have to be stopped emidiatly , Class D are to be excorted back by your assigned Guard
- Hello , Please show ur Key Card to confirm ur identity and security Level to continue ; Thank you you are safe to continue
-The Threat has ben contained and you are safe to resume Tests
-SCP 096 has breached its containment , all available MTF-Epillson-11 Units are to be dispatched at once
-Scp 008 has breached containment , all availlable Beta-7 Units are to be dispatched at once all other MTF units are to stay away from the threath
-A high Threath has appeared on Site , all A-1 MTF Units are to find their designated O5 and escort them to the nearest safe Zone unharmed
-A high Level outbreak has occured all unarmed personal are to get to a safe Zone , all Beta-7 are to attend to the outbreak emidiatly
-The O5 Council have decided to enrolle article 78 and nuke the facility , escorting class D personal and getting to a safe Place is the top priority , shooting unarmed class D that are outside of CDC is prohibeted
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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