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One of the most enduring and fascinating aspects of African culture is masks. In Western museums and private collections, they are treated as artistic objects appreciated for their aesthetic qualities. However, their role in African society is more functional than artistic.Africans have been making masks since prehistory. The earliest evidence we have for masking in Africa comes from rock paintings in Algeria at Tassili n'Ajjer.

These show masks that look a lot like contemporary West African masks and date to about 11,000 years ago. We don’t know how these masks were used though.
African masks take on different forms. They may only cover the face, or go over the entire head, cover part of the torso, or be a headdress that rests on top of the head.

Some are very small, some are life-size, and others are gigantic.

Some masks represent animals, either in their form or by incorporating actual parts of animals into their production.

Others represent male or female figures. Those that represent women generally take on an idealized view of female beauty.
The function of ancient Egyptian masks, however, is better known.

The most famous of these is the boy king Tutankhamun’s gold funerary mask, which was placed on his mummy and weighed a whopping 22.5 pounds (10 kilos).African masks take on different forms. They may only cover the face, or go over the entire head, cover part of the torso, or be a headdress that rests on top of the head.

Some are very small, some are life-size, and others are gigantic.

Some masks represent animals, either in their form or by incorporating actual parts of animals into their production.

Others represent male or female figures. Those that represent women generally take on an idealized view of female beauty.
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