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<script nonce="v8xh95lY9e22g1psqAvljtUjiP8ndnX4ymehM9L7Ulk" type="text/javascript">function runLoginPage (fn) {var mainScript = document.createElement('script');mainScript.src = '';mainScript.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';mainScript.integrity = 'sha384-V3C6oA+YhvS/ut1FNRbb1UmyveAxLAwJv2vFFCPvi1dFC3dHaDPk/oOiLTTuA22E';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(mainScript);fn && mainScript.addEventListener('load', function () { setTimeout(fn, 1) });}</script><script type="text/javascript" nonce="v8xh95lY9e22g1psqAvljtUjiP8ndnX4ymehM9L7Ulk">
var baseUrl = '';
var suppliedRedirectUri = '';
var repost = false;
var stateToken = '';
var fromUri = 'x2Fuserx2Fnotifications';
var username = '';
var rememberMe = true;
var smsRecovery = true;
var callRecovery = false;
var emailRecovery = true;
var usernameLabel = 'Username';
var usernameInlineLabel = '';
var passwordLabel = 'Password';
var passwordInlineLabel = '';
var signinLabel = 'Signx20In';
var forgotpasswordLabel = 'Forgotx20passwordx3F';
var unlockaccountLabel = 'Unlockx20accountx3F';
var helpLabel = 'Help';
var orgSupportPhoneNumber = 'x28866x29x2D653x2D9767';
var hideSignOutForMFA = false;
var hideBackToSignInForReset = false;
var footerHelpTitle = 'Needx20helpx20signingx20inx3F';
var recoveryFlowPlaceholder = 'Emailx20orx20Username';
var signOutUrl = '';
var authScheme = 'OAUTH2';
var hasPasswordlessPolicy = '';
var INVALID_TOKEN_ERROR_CODE = 'errors.E0000011';

var securityImage = true;

var selfServiceUnlock = false;

selfServiceUnlock = true;

var redirectByFormSubmit = false;

var showPasswordRequirementsAsHtmlList = true;

var autoPush = false;

autoPush = true;

var accountChooserDiscoveryUrl = '';

// In case of custom app login, the uri is already absolute, so we must not attach baseUrl
var redirectUri;
if (isAbsoluteUri(fromUri)) {
redirectUri = fromUri;
} else {
redirectUri = baseUrl + fromUri;

var backToSignInLink = '';

var customButtons;
var pivProperties = {};

var customLinks = [];

var factorPageCustomLink = {};

var linkParams;

var proxyIdxResponse;

var stateTokenAllFlows;

var idpDiscovery;
var idpDiscoveryRequestContext;

var showPasswordToggleOnSignInPage = false;
var showIdentifier = false;

var hasSkipIdpFactorVerificationButton = false;

var hasOAuth2ConsentFeature = false;
var consentFunc;

hasOAuth2ConsentFeature = true;

var hasMfaAttestationFeature = false;

hasMfaAttestationFeature = true;

var rememberMyUsernameOnOIE = false;

var engFastpassMultipleAccounts = false;

var registration = false;

var webauthn = true;

var overrideExistingStateToken = false;

var isPersonalOktaOrg = false;

var orgSyncToAccountChooserEnabled = true;

var showSessionRevocation = false;

showSessionRevocation = true;

var loginPageConfig = {
fromUri: fromUri,
repost: repost,
redirectUri: redirectUri,
backToSignInLink: backToSignInLink,
isMobileClientLogin: false,
isMobileSSO: false,
disableiPadCheck: false,
enableiPadLoginReload: false,
linkParams: linkParams,
hasChromeOSFeature: false,
showLinkToAppStore: false,
accountChooserDiscoveryUrl: accountChooserDiscoveryUrl,
mfaAttestation: hasMfaAttestationFeature,
isPersonalOktaOrg: isPersonalOktaOrg,
enrollingFactor: '',
stateTokenExpiresAt: '',
stateTokenRefreshWindowMs: '',
orgSyncToAccountChooserEnabled: orgSyncToAccountChooserEnabled,
inactiveTab: {
enabled: false,
elementId: 'inactive-tab-main-div',
avoidPageRefresh: true
signIn: {
el: '#signin-container',
baseUrl: baseUrl,
brandName: 'Okta',
logo: '',
logoText: 'Drivenx20Brandsx20Sharedx20Services logo',
helpSupportNumber: orgSupportPhoneNumber,
stateToken: stateToken,
username: username,
signOutLink: signOutUrl,
consent: consentFunc,
authScheme: authScheme,
relayState: fromUri,
proxyIdxResponse: proxyIdxResponse,
overrideExistingStateToken: overrideExistingStateToken,
interstitialBeforeLoginRedirect: 'DEFAULT',
idpDiscovery: {
requestContext: idpDiscoveryRequestContext
features: {
router: true,
securityImage: securityImage,
rememberMe: rememberMe,
autoPush: autoPush,
webauthn: webauthn,
smsRecovery: smsRecovery,
callRecovery: callRecovery,
emailRecovery: emailRecovery,
selfServiceUnlock: selfServiceUnlock,
multiOptionalFactorEnroll: true,
deviceFingerprinting: true,
useDeviceFingerprintForSecurityImage: false,
trackTypingPattern: false,
hideSignOutLinkInMFA: hideSignOutForMFA,
hideBackToSignInForReset: hideBackToSignInForReset,
rememberMyUsernameOnOIE: rememberMyUsernameOnOIE,
engFastpassMultipleAccounts: engFastpassMultipleAccounts,
customExpiredPassword: true,
idpDiscovery: idpDiscovery,
passwordlessAuth: hasPasswordlessPolicy,
consent: hasOAuth2ConsentFeature,
skipIdpFactorVerificationBtn: hasSkipIdpFactorVerificationButton,
showPasswordToggleOnSignInPage: showPasswordToggleOnSignInPage,
showIdentifier: showIdentifier,
registration: registration,
redirectByFormSubmit: redirectByFormSubmit,
restrictRedirectToForeground: true,
showPasswordRequirementsAsHtmlList: showPasswordRequirementsAsHtmlList,
showSessionRevocation: showSessionRevocation

assets: {
baseUrl: "httpsx3Ax2Fx2Fok2static.oktacdn.comx2Fassetsx2Fjsx2Fsdkx2Foktax2Dsigninx2Dwidgetx2F7.3.1"

language: okta.locale,
i18n: {},

customButtons: customButtons,

piv: pivProperties,

helpLinks: {
help: '',
forgotPassword: '',
unlock: '',
custom: customLinks,
factorPage: factorPageCustomLink

cspNonce: window.cspNonce,

loginPageConfig.signIn.i18n[okta.locale] = {

'primaryauth.username.placeholder': usernameLabel,
'primaryauth.username.tooltip': usernameInlineLabel,
'primaryauth.password.placeholder': passwordLabel,
'primaryauth.password.tooltip': passwordInlineLabel,
'mfa.challenge.password.placeholder': passwordLabel,
'primaryauth.title': signinLabel,
'forgotpassword': forgotpasswordLabel,
'unlockaccount': unlockaccountLabel,
'help': helpLabel,
'needhelp': footerHelpTitle,
'': recoveryFlowPlaceholder,
'': recoveryFlowPlaceholder,
'': recoveryFlowPlaceholder,
'': recoveryFlowPlaceholder

// Override logoText with brand name instead of using org name

// Override translations for customer hotfix (OKTA-533881)

// When STAF is enabled and the token is not valid, the Widget must be reloaded to obtain a new stateToken. We're updating
// the error message here as it isn't applicable for non-STAF orgs. The override is behind a new eng flag
// See : OKTA-376620, Feature flag : ENG_CHANGE_INVALID_TOKEN_MESSAGE

function isOldWebBrowserControl() {
// We no longer support IE7. If we see the MSIE 7.0 browser mode, it's a good signal
// that we're in a windows embedded browser.
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 7.0') === -1) {
return false;

// Because the userAgent is the same across embedded browsers, we use feature
// detection to see if we're running on older versions that do not support updating
// the documentMode via x-ua-compatible.
return document.all && !window.atob;

function isAbsoluteUri(uri) {
var pat = /^https?:///i;
return pat.test(uri);

var unsupportedContainer = document.getElementById('okta-sign-in');

var failIfCookiesDisabled = true;

// Old versions of WebBrowser Controls (specifically, OneDrive) render in IE7 browser
// mode, with no way to override the documentMode. In this case, inform the user they need
// to upgrade.
if (isOldWebBrowserControl()) {
else if (failIfCookiesDisabled && !navigator.cookieEnabled) {
else {
runLoginPage(function () {
var res = OktaLogin.initLoginPage(loginPageConfig);

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function applyStyle(id, styleDef) {
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var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (!el) {
applyStyle('login-bg-image', 'bgStyle');
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what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

Shortened Note Link
Looding Image
Long File

For written notes was greater than 18KB Unable to shorten.

To be smaller than 18KB, please organize your notes, or sign in.