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High Quality Dog Sitting St Augustine FL
Pet Sitting Business is Thriving
The Pet Sitting business is booming internationally. In the
United States alone there are upwards of 63.2 million individuals who own a pet, or two. Reports tell us that in America there are roughly 64 million dogs and 76 million cats in households. These numbers support why the Pet Sitting Business is on an upward swing. It is fast becoming one of the best small business ventures that an individual can undertake. The Pet Sitting business has been ear marked by the U.S. Bureau of Labor as a small business industry that will thrive with the coming years, with Pet Sitting services located throughout the states.

Pet owners world wide are breathing a sigh of relief that they
have this option for their pet when they travel. In the past

when an individual would travel for business, or a family would
vacation, they would rely on grandparents or relatives to see to the needs of their pets. This is no longer an option for many people. Family's don't always remain in the same community. Statistics show that it is common for parents and siblings to live hundreds of miles apart. Once dog sitting St Augustine FL for pet sitting evaporated, people turned to their neighbors. This was soon found to be a bad option for both the neighbor and pet owner. Neighbors felt used, and the traveller felt as if they were putting the neighbor out by asking the favor.

Some individuals tried to travel with their pets. They assumed
that it would be best for their pet to not be separated from
them. These good intentioned pet owners soon realized the folly of their ideals when they discovered that drinking water in some areas weren't up to par, leash laws were different in each area, and the chances of finding a lost pet in a strange area were minimal. Extended car travel is not good for a pet, either. Animals can quickly become dehydrated and agitated when left in a locked car while the family is inside a restaurant, or mall. The chances that a pet could possibly get hit by an automobile rise every time a pet is taken into a public area, such as parking lots or the city. Pets do not like being kept in a crate in a hotel. They do not like being muzzled for barking or for snipping at strangers. Pets just generally do not like being away from home.

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Regards; Team

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