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Why Does God Let Us Choose Between Spiritual Life And Spiritual Death?
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Death, no matter what the cause, is always unexpected and a shock. I know this, and as a death care professional and grief coach, I teach this. Working over 12 years in the death care industry, I've seen the emotions of death and grief. I've assisted hundreds of families with pre-arrangements, final arrangements, made aftercare home visits, facilitated grief support groups, conducted workshops, and more. I've listened to countless stories of circumstances surrounding the deaths, unfulfilled hopes and dreams, and fears related to the future.

The death of a dream is a hard pill to swallow. Young adults are sometimes floored by the reality of what the real world is like as they make the transition from the innocence of childhood to the stark reality of a "dog-eat-dog" world. The spilt blood of slain dreams may drain the life from them and some never recover from the wounds. Another onslaught of reality comes much later in life. This is often referred to as the "mid-life crisis".

But death is still with us - death and the fear of death overshadow life. And we know that our loved ones are not coming back to us here and now. No more Nains. The point of Jesus' whole life, death and resurrection, is that He has gone before us. This world, beautiful and vital as it is, is not the end of the story. The kingdom and immortality await, and the big deal is this: it's not that our loved ones come back here to us, but rather that we, in our turn, will one day, sooner or later, go to meet them, and the Lord, to be reunited in heaven. That reunion will be the true healing and the beginning of the fulness of life. Death is for us, not the full stop, but the hyphen - leading us to the eternal kingdom.

So, you start to think, really think. Am I stupid? Can it be that all these so called scams that I have spent so much money on , over the years, not be scams? Can it be that it's been ME all along. Can it be that most, if not all the program's and business opportunities, that I have spent so much money and time on over the years, been REAL?

At this age, they do not need long, drawn out discussions. Give them a simple, brief explanation based on their age, remembering that their attention spans are not that long. Too much information can confuse them or will be so much that they tune out and do not understand what you are saying.

While this is a game, it's also what to do when conversation dies. Think about some subject someone mentioned, and think of something else to talk about. As an example: someone spoke of a vacation to Hawaii. When the conversation wanes, ask yourself what Hawaii makes you think of: pineapples, the TV show Hawaii-Five-O, surfing? You can then bring up this other subject.

Tell the child why the pet died, but briefly. "He was very ill or very old." There is no need to try to guess what the child is asking you. If they ask "Was she sick?" that is what they need to know right now. Answering simply "Yes, she was very sick." is enough for now.

Was it my fault that she died? No, there wasn't anything you did. Your pet died because she received injuries when she was hit by the car. The injuries damaged her heart and it stopped beating. Her lungs stopped taking in air. She stopped breathing and her life-part left her body. Or, if the dog was old, he died of old age. He was all worn out and his heart stopped beating and he died.

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Regards; Team

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