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Signs Of Impending Death Every Caregiver Should Know
funeral program
funeral program
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funeral program

Do you know what to do when someone you love dies? Do you know what that person wants to happen to their body? Do you know if they want a service in a church, in a park, in a funeral home? Do you know what the papers are that you will need in order to execute all the details that have to be taken care of when a person dies?

OMake up "quiet bags" for the young children. At visitations kids don't have much to do. They don't enjoy talking with relatives. You will be a hero to them and their parents if you provide a little relief. Buy a few inexpensive quiet toys for them to play with during those long hours. (Pad of paper and pencil, a small stuffed animal to hold for comfort, magnetic games or quiet contained puzzles, white boards.

And while some of the Apostle Paul's words have been abused in the making of religions, in fact he prayed that people would be able to "grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ" (Ephesians 3:18-19).

Often the death card is a spiritual one. It draws attention to an inner battle, or an external situation that requires us to grow and mature in our spiritual selves. Lessons need to be learnt. The death card gives us permission to learn them and offers us an opportunity to undergo a process of letting go mixed with greater inner comprehension. Grief is vital, as it brings us closer to understanding ourselves and to what we want and do not want in our inner and outer worlds.

At least I know I'm not a lone. For even the greatest saints of the Bible expressed fear of death. Job was called the most righteous man on Earth, Hezekiah was listed as one of the most faithful kings of Judah, David was called a man after God's own heart. Yet even though Job was in agony he still didn't wouldn't just die despite his wife suggesting he do so. Job 2:8. Consider the story in 2 Kings 20: 1-10. Hezekiah is told by a prophet that he will die soon and Hezekiah becomes horrified. He begs for and gets another fifteen years of life. David writes lots of Psalms where he begs God to preserve his life.

Several years after my husband died, I decided to sell my house and move from Maryland to California. My daughter and I moved into an apartment instead of renting or buying a house. For the first time in five years, I didn't have a rose garden to tend. When a spouse dies, there are dreams that die with them. Our rose garden was one of the dreams that died.

Whatever we decide about cremation or burial, we will also want to have a funeral. A funeral is where you show your love and appreciation for your pet. Let's think of some ways in which Hamster was special. Maybe you'd like to draw a picture. When you are finished, we can have the funeral in the backyard. You can also put Hamster's favorite things in the box with him. You may collect flowers from the garden and some special stones to decorate the grave. A grave is what you call the place where you bury Hamster. Next week we can make a stepping stone with Hamster's name on it and place it on the grave. This afternoon, we can find pictures of Hamster and make a collage.

Bottom line is: if you are willing to take a chance on your own success, you just might find it one day. Not today or tomorrow, but someday. Is it worth it to you to try? Do you believe in yourself enough to give it a go? Obviously, I can't answer that for you. But, I can answer it for me. The more I pursue my dreams, the more I like it. And, the more I like my chances.

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