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- King Croesus of Lydia attacked the persians, but lost
- the lydians + other Ionians came under persian rule
- 499 BC: Ionians revolt against persian rule
- appeal for help from mainland greece. ; Athenians + Eritreans support the Ionians
- Athenians attack sardis, a provenentianal capital, and burns i to the ground
- Ionian revolt suppressed by the persian
- Daris, the persian emperor was angered by athenian intefearence
- revenge is a prime motive for the persians
- 492 BC: first persian invaision of mainland greece under Daris and his genral
- storms destroying persian fleet off athens, forcing retreat
- 490 BC: another attempt, this tim persians fleet sails deriectluu across th agnetia
- first target was Erotia temples, people enslaved.
- persian navey landed on the plains of _____
- athenianmarch to mariton to meet the persian invaiders and th two armie face of across th plains
- MIltiades made the center weak but strong thened the wings which outflanked th athrians
- persians resue remanets of their army and sale to athens
- Athens quicly march back and arive before the persians, who are unwilling to engage in a long seige, they return to persia.
- May 480: Persians, under Xerxes (Darius' son) assmblesa massive army on the hellespont,
- bridges across the lellespont destroyed by stroms, new bridges constructed and crossing procides
- Hellmic league under Athens + Sparta formed to repel persians
- under themistacles' leadership, Athens constructs 200 ships for their fleet
- Xerxes constructs cannalacross Athenia penicula, to ensure persuan ships can sail across safley
- greeks meet the attacking Persians at the peic of themople, a narrow pass on attacking armys from the north had to manovre through.
- the navey moved to artmisium creating a defencive line across crentrial greece
- greeks led by the spartens, resisted persian onslaugt at thermopily
- greek traitor showed persoams az montian pass enableing them to flank the greeks
-many forwarned retreated, byt spartian fought to their deaths
- the greeks, with 271 triremes, encounter the persians at th battle of Artemisium
- further navel engaigment were inconclusive, but whn the greeks learnt of defeat at permoplae (they retreated)
- atheinians evacuated their sity, taking safty on the island of Salamis ( and saving themselves for battl at sea)
- persians overrun and destroyed Athens
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