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funeral program

Jade Goody dies of cervical cancer: We all knew it was only a matter of time that Jade Goody was doing to die, and yet now that the time has come, it has come as a major blow to the system. How did Goody herself depict "how long was a matter of time?" Did she see it as long enough to do the things in life she never had chance to do while alive. Did she see it as being long enough to say her goodbyes to those that meant so much to her while her heart did beat? I don`t know, but I "pray" that Jade had that chance to say her goodbyes at least. It`s pointless praying for her to have done the things in life she wanted to do because sadly, Jade Goody has not had a life. A young mother of 27 struck down with cervical cancer never to see her kids grow up or be around to collect her pension.

Now we come to the death penalty. Supporters of the death penalty tend to take an "eye for an eye" stance, if they are religious. I cannot speak with too much authority on other religions, such as Islam, but I am sure it too has exceptions to the rule of murder. Instances when it is justified to exact revenge. Other supporters may not be religious, but still see the act as justified. In their mind if a person kills someone, than it is only right that their life be ended. People who are against the death penalty, and are taking a religious based stance, see the act of capital punishment as wrong. They believe that only god should be allowed to decide who lives and who dies.

The police might ask from you that how did you come to know about the death or murder. You should tell the correct answer. Keep one thing in your mind that forensic science has now developed into a very powerful investigation method. The police will definitely come to know that what exactly has happened. Hence you should tell the police in advance that what actually has happened. Do not try to be over smart.

When a Christian fears death he is being irrational. A Christian's belief in the deity of Christ eliminates his fear of death. Jesus didn't mince any words when it came to proclaiming that he was divine. The Jewish leaders came to him and asked, "Who do you think you are?" (John 8:53) "Aren't we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?" Calling Jesus a Samaritan was the equivalent of using the "N" word in today's culture. Jesus was willing to risk his life to tell them the truth.

In the song "Fields of Grace" Darrel Evans sings, "There's a place where religion finally dies." The word "religion" means "to bind." In its proper sense it can mean to bind us to God; in a negative sense it means to leave people feeling bound to impossible rules, demands and guilt, something Jesus never taught.

In the widow's story however Jesus does give her the complete healing - incredibly and dramatically, He brings the dead boy back to life and gives him to his mother. What joy and exultation must have taken place in Nain! But, and it's a big but, at some point thereafter, the widow or her son would have died, and the pain of loss and separation would have been theirs again. Maybe the family line would have continued and even prospered through the son's issue, but death would have come again to that household, bringing it's pain and desolation once more. So the widow's joy will ultimately have been a temporary reprieve. Does this mean that death gets the last word? Nice trick Jesus but you didn't crack the problem?

Though religions may vary and their views of death are separate, it is important to plan ahead. By having a plan in place and a great life insurance plan you can rest easy knowing that everything will be taken care of in the way that you want.

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