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vices of horse -- crib biting biting a fixed objext and sowllowing air
waving - continuous movement two end fro
wind sucking - sucking without holding any object
and pessing head againest the wall or any fixed object
vices of pig - cannabolism , tail biting {fe deficiency},abnormal donging, a expression of high ranking pig in which they make other pig move by continuesly thrusting its snout in the inguinal region of other pig called as persistant ingvinal nose thusting , snot rubbing on other pigs causing necrosed areas
vices of catle-mismother due to weak mother the sucling may also be weak
buller cow syndrome - nymphomia a cow act like a male as its voice and charecter become similar to male
buller steer syndrome
vices of sheep - in some rams they will not mate with oestus females n choose males overfemales called as this is peferance paten behavior
aggresiveness asosiated with the same flock
some time the ewe will move away if a lamb is coming for suckling called as abnormal maternal behavior
poultry vices - hounding by males
psuedo mating in low and high anking birds
cannabolism ,feather pecking and head flicks
dogs vices -flnk sucking in doberman ,coprophagy ,destructive behavior chewing furniture making markings urinating all over and in unusual places ,agrresive behavior due to several reasons
cats vices - pica -eating unusual things , over attcahment to gardian , indoe markings , excessive grooming and agression

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