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The aim of this article is to have a general vision of what it is and how each supplement will help you improve each of the 3 fundamental pillars, feeding, training and rest to increase muscle mass.
How do supplements work and help to increase muscle mass?
Both weight loss and increased muscle mass are the main reasons why we started our sessions in gyms and pits.

Both objectives are intimately linked as the more muscle mass we have, the more fat we will burn.

Men and women should include a routine in which we stimulate the muscle to get that body we want. Now, what happens if JBH News 've been training for a while and we've stagnated or you're starting and you want to increase a % of lean, i.e. fat-free muscle mass.

First of all, we will emphasize the three fundamental pillars you need to achieve the desired advance:

▪ Intensive training
♪ Balanced diet
♪ Suitable rest

These 3 factors have to conform to your goals and pace of life. Supplementing will help you improve performance during training, will be an important part of the nutrients you consume around training and will help you improve recovery during rest periods.

Supplements to increase muscle to take
Nowadays there are a variety of products on the market that will give that extra boost to your body to achieve your purposes.We will begin by talking about a basic one between the basics, the protein.

Complements that help in the formation of muscle tissue

Proteins, as we have already spoken to you on more than one occasion, are not "voluminizers" as such, but they are crucial in the formation of muscle tissue.
Without a good amount and protein quality, your muscle will not develop properly, you will not achieve optimal performance or the desired increase.

Similarly, branched chain amino acids or BCAA’s help prevent muscle tissue loss. What a better way to gain muscle than not to lose it.

Taken in moments prior to training or during muscle sessions, they will prevent once your glucogen deposits are exhausted, or what is the same, your energy reserves, the body captures the energy of the proteins of your muscle mass, that is, you will not burn the muscle that you have already achieved or that you have a basis.

Glutamine, is the most present amino acid in muscle tissue, is mainly responsible for the reconstruction of the músmulus and avoids muscle degradation that generates increased cortisol. Glutamine is called semi-essential amino acid since the organism is able to synthesize it by itself but not in sufficient quantity when there is a large demand caused by intense physical activity.

Now that you know more about the importance of protein and the different types of amino acids, let's talk about another of the nutrients that will help you to size muscles, carbohydrates.

As we have already said, the diet will be crucial at this stage: rice, pasta, potato, boniato and other cereals should be present in your diet to provide this macronutrient to your diet.

What supplements do exist and what do you need?
As a supplement, we recommend the use of carbohydrates always for periods close to the training environment: pre-training, intra-training or post-training.

They will help us maintain the desired glucogen levels by providing us with an extra energy and caloric contribution that will favor that desired muscle mass increase.

It's your carbohydrate if what you're looking for is a gradual absorption, i.e. if you do long-term activities as they slow fatigue. It is the most used, avoids very fast glucemia peaks thanks to its more gradual and slow absorption, thus providing energy to the body for a long time. It is also useful if we want to replace the food before the training, due to a short time and not resort to the sports session with stomacal heaviness.

On the contrary, this type of carbohydrate is very fast in what is referred to in absorption, which allows an almost immediate replacement of muscle glycogen. It can be used perfectly pre-intra-post thus ensuring optimal levels of glucose in our bloodstream.

One of the greatest advantages of this carbohydrate source is that despite its rapid absorption rate it does not provoke the "low" that produce other sources of high-GI carbohydrates from simple sugars.

Fast absorption supplement, slightly slower than amylopectin, perfect if what you need is immediate energy or replace the body's reserves. Dextrose is no other than glucose, which takes post-training helps muscle recovery, intra-training helps to maintain and sustain energy in high-intensity and pre-training trainings ensures optimal levels of energy during muscle session.

If what we want is something edible, this is our ideal. A type of bars made from carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that will provide a lot of energy and a high dose of calories.

They are ideal to help us get that caloric contribution necessary when circumstances prevent us from being able to do it through the diet and also to consume them environment to the training.

JBH News is excellent and also has great benefits as an important source of food fiber and vegetable protein.

Other options that contribute to increased muscle mass
As we have already said, rest is another very important factor in muscle gain or loss of fat. With irregular sleep habits or as we become older, melatonin levels are getting smaller and smaller, so if you have sleep problems or are not efficient, a help is melatonin tablets, which will stimulate this hormone in your body naturally, making your rests more enjoyable and productive, without the side effects of medications indicated for people with insomnia.

Other supplements that favor both the growth hormone, as well as the reduction of stress levels, the improvement of mental health and rest are sources of tryptophan amino acids and vitamin B (especially vitamin b6 and b12 that improve protein synthesis, achieving a greater contribution of nutrients to the muscle and regulating blood glucose levels).

Another highly studied and effective supplement is the creatine and more specifically, the monohydrate of creatine. The creatine is responsible for increasing or regenerating ATP deposits (adenosin trifosfato), this molecule is the fastest source of immediate energy, and is mainly used in highly anaerobic efforts such as sprints or power uprisings.

However, this energy source is the fastest one to run out and once the body is exhausted, it is used to use other less effective energy paths such as glucolytic (glugogen as a source of energy) and later oxidative pathway (grase as a source of energy).

So supplementing us with creatine will help us increase energy, strength levels during training, delay the appearance of fatigue, decrease the degradation of muscle tissue and improve hydration at intracellular level (this improves fat oxidation and decreases protein loss)

A supplement that will allow us to train more intensely by delaying fatigue is Beta-Alanine, this amino acid increases the concentration of intramuscular Carnosine and carnosine in turn is responsible for maintaining the appropriate PH levels by delaying lactic acid and therefore muscle fatigue.

Its benefits begin to be noticed from the first or second week and the takes are made in periods of about 12 weeks which is what takes you to reach the maximum levels of carnosine.

This amino acid can cause tingling on the skin, which for some has an activating and motivating effect.

Another supplement that you have to take very into account whatever your goal is, are the prohormonals, which naturally increase testosterone levels.

By increasing the levels of testosterone, the performance of the energy systems increases which results in more intense trainings and improves the synthesis (use-out) of the nutrients, both food and supplementation.

Its use is recommended for men from approximately 28 years as it is from this age when the levels of testosterone begin to descend.

Among the most employed pro-hormonals we find the tribulus, Acido aspartico, Maca, Saw Palmeto...

As we have already said on previous occasions, a good way to gain muscle is to make sure we don't lose it and a great help for it are the supplements that help us fight the cortisol.

Cortisol is a destructive hormone that generates the body itself when it is under stress or pressure, destroys muscle tissue, inhives fat burning, retains fluids...

To help us fight this fearsome enemy we have cortisol blocker supplements such as glutamine, vitamin C and natural precursors of growth hormone and testosterone.

Now that you know better the different types of supplements that exist, you may be more interested in finding supplements that combine everything we have mentioned above carbohydrates, creatine, protein, beta-alanine, pro-hormonals, etc.

It is the case of gainers or voluminizers. In their formulation they combine several supplements in one, thus achieving to meet several needs at the same time.

They are a great choice when you don't get to incorporate the calories you need in your diet when increasing muscle volume. Note that JBH News with poorly used carbohydrates may not give the expected results, as by increasing caloric consumption they may prove to increase your fatty percentage.

We therefore recommend a well studied and structured supplementation based on your physical needs and training level, so we will surely get you to progress and reach your goals.

In this article we wanted to give a brushstroke to some of the supplements that we consider most important and have left in the tintero a few of those that we will continue to talk about in upcoming publications.

If you need any kind of supplement or need personalized advice to find those that best fit your needs, we will be happy to help you at

From the Fit Market team, we hope you enjoyed this article. Leave us your doubts and suggestions in comments. Greetings and until next.

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