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Notes -

Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/Apology Apologise Apologise to the Cx
/Thank_you Thank_you Thank you
/Apologise_to Cx apologize to Cx and take feedback
/BRB Be BRB Be right back
/dedicated_team Dedicated team response TAT
/Thank_Cx Cx Thank the customer for being patient
/ask_for things right
/our_best Doing the best to help the Cx
/best_possible possible resolution
/team_is their best
/best_possible solution offered
/improve_our our service
/hold_to check details
/check_if a callback
/empathy_best solution provided
/apology_allow to assit
/empathy_state to assist
/apology_statement to assist
/2mins_review issue details
/Apology_elaborate her concern
/happy_to help Cx
/preferred_language while chatting
/Thank_Employee Employee Engagement
/Thank_for Customer Happy about service provided
/opening_statement opening statement
/Opening opening opening statement
/Taking_More More_Time inform cx that it will take more time
/positive_closure Positive closure
/Snooze_delayed Snooze_delayed1 Snooze delayed response
/Snooze_delayed Snooze_delayed2 Snooze delayed response

Bill related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/Elaborate_bill Cx to Elaborate the issue on his/her bill
/Bill_price Bill_price_mismatch Mismatch between the bill and the price
/Issue_needs Issue_needs_elaboration If the bill image is already available & the issue needs elaboration
/Issue_elaborated Issue_elaborated If the bill image is not available & the issue is elaborated
/BI_issue BI_issue_missing If both the bill image & the issue elaboration missing

Alcohol related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/Alcohol_Coupon Alcohol Coupon
/Alcohol_DE DE unable to accept online payments for Alcohol orders
/Alco_DE DE does't have change for Alcohol order
/Alco_DE DE agreed to bring change for Alcohol order
/Alco_DE DE does't have cash for Alcohol order

DE related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/No_Change DE doesn't have change, agent is asking the Cx to pay via online mode
/DE_unable DE_unable_to_deliver_cancel DE unable to deliver the order so we will have to canel the order
/DE_unable DE_unable_to_deliver_reassign DE unable to deliver the order so we will have to ressign the order
/DE_arrived DE_arrived_at_restro DE arrived at the restaurant
/DE_accident DE_accident_unable_to_del DE met with an accident
/DE_vehicle DE_vehicle_issue DE has a issue with his vehicle
/DE_assign executive assignment
/DP_unable DE unable to deliver, so assigned a new DE
/DP_unreachable DE not reachable, so assigned a new DE
/DP_Unwilling Cancel DP unwilling to deliver then cancel order
/Check_Another DP unwilling to deliver then check for another DP
/Unable_To To_process DP unwilling to deliver unable to process the order
/Updated_DP Location DP location updated
/Unable_Connect Cx to Connect
/DP_arrived DP_arrived1 DP arrived at the restaurant & food prepared
/DP_arrived DP_arrived2 DP arrived at the restaurant & food prepared
/DP_arrived DP_arrived3 DP arrived at the restaurant & food prepared
/DP_Reached Reached DP reached at the customer location
/Place_DP Order being prepared & DP is yet to be assigned.
/DP_pickup Order prepared and DP picking up order from restaurant.
/DP_pickup Order prepared and DP picking up order from restaurant.
/DP_to DP_to_be_assigned DP to be assigned & food is being prepared.
/picked_up Order picked up and DP on the way to the location.
/DP_to Order confirmed, the DP is yet to be assigned
/single_DP DE is assigned to a single order so another order will be handed over to another DE
/DP_Call Reason a confirmation call from DE
/DE_assistance DE_assistance_request DE is unable to mark the order as 'reached'
/DP_not Cx_loc DP did not arrive at customer location
/DP_reached DP_reached_restro DP reached restaurant
/DE unwell DE unwell ask cx to share order details required to connect with the DE
/Connect_with DP apologize and request cx to wait while we connect with DE
/confirm_DE DE_location DE location confirmed
/DP_unable DP unable to deliver due to ICA
/New_DE_Pickup New DE pickup
/New_DE_assigned New DE assigned
/DP_instructions delivery partner
/Delivery_related Ask Cx to give delivery instructions
/Unable_Connect Connect DP
/DP_not DP_not _assigned DP not assigned
/DP_not Order Cancel
/DE_assistance Elaborate the reason for DE assistance
/del_instructions delivery instructions
/reassign_DP Reassign DP
/Delay_in DP Due to peak hours, there is a delay in the delivery boy assignment
/Pass_SI SI to the DE
/check_with DE and update Cx on the order status
/Free_del Free_del_SS_required free delivery related

Customer related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
1 /Abusive_Cx Abusive Customer
/ask_del Asking whether the Cx has received the order or not
/refund_or Asking the Cx if he wants a refund or a replacement
/Educate_Cx Educating the Cx on how discounts work
/Profanity_warning Cx using Profanity agent issuing a warning
/Profanity_chat Agent closes chat due to Profanity
/CNR customer not responding
/Cx_wants a callback
/Cx_Chooses Stay Customer chooses to stay
/Cx_refuse Swiggy Money so the agent try to give the difference amount in the form of a coupon
/Cx_wants Cx_wants_to_deactivate_acc_warning Once you deactive your account you can reactivate it
/Cx_wants Cx_wants_supervisor Cx wants to talk to a supervisor
/Cx_unhappy the reasons
/cx_disagrees closure statement
/abusive_cx Abusive Cx nudge to email
/Denial_after Cx asking additional Coupon
/As_another Ask Cx for another opportunity
/Cx_wants Cx_wants_to_know_order_status CUstomer wants to know order status
/Cx_wants order cancellation
/Cx_unwilling Cx_unwilling_to_wait_cancel_order Cx unwilling to wait hence cancel the order
/Cx_left left chat
/MDI_Concall Concall Apology
/MDI_Confer Conference call with the DP
/MDI_Call Call Cx on his registered mobile number
/MDI_unable MDI_unable_to_cofer_call MDI unable to conference call
/MDI_Enquire MDI Enquire order details
/MDI_Cx Inform the Cx that the order is delivered
/MDI_Nudge Attend Call
/MDI_order MDI_order_replace_few_min MDI order replacement few min
/MDI_Order MDI Order will be delivered
/MDI_Reconfirm Reconfirm_address MDI reconfirm address
/MDI_Replacement Placed MDI replacement placed
/MDI_Acknowledge Cx MDI thank and acknowledge customer
/elaborate Ask Ask Cx to elaborate on the issue and we'll check the details
/wrong_queue to us
/Cx_Wait Customer Wait
/Cx_to Cancel_order Cx wants to cancel order
/Extended_hold Ask Cx to wait a little longer
/Try_Retain Cx Try to retain customer
/tried_contacting the customer
/Elaborate_issue the issue
/exception_given the Cx
/unable_to the request
/unable_to Unable to assist the Cx any further
/share_list Ask Cx to share the item list with the quantity

Address related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/No_option No_option_to_modify_add Can't modify the address
/new_order Agent requests Cx to place a fresh order with the updated address
/ED_address ED Address modification

Order related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/order_cancelled Order cancelled
/Delayed Order Request Cx to wait for 2 minutes and check the reason for delay
/wrong_item Wrong Item received
/wrong_item Wrong Item received; share images
/Wait_Cancel Cancel Wait or cancel the order
/Order_Confirmation Order Confirmation pending from restaurant
/Order_delivered Order_delivered1 Order delivered
/Order_delivered Order_delivered2 Order delivered
/Order_Picked Order Picked up
/Order_placing Order_placing_query Query towards placing an order
/Order_Being Processed Order being processed & other details available on the app
/Order_Being_Processed_TA TAT Order being processed & delivered
/wait_for gets delivered
/order_status order status
/Order_status delivery time
/Cancel_order the order
/error_while placing_order
/delay_bad bad weather
/Order_status Order_status Order status
/Cancellation_reason for cancellation
/Cancellation_or or replacement
/Order_cancelled order cancellation
/Cancelled_order cancelled order
/Order_cancelled Order_cancelled_CNR order cancelled due to customer not responding
/Curfew_unable to curfew
/cancel_and fresh order
/order_cancelled The order is cancelled as no DE available and issue full refund
/confirm_cancellation confirm cancellation
/Order_not Order_not_complete Not received complete order
/Proceed__Order Proceed Order
/Proceed_Order Refund within TAT
/Unable_replacement To Provide
/order_marked delivered incorrectly
/Mark_Delivered Marked Delivered
/reason_for for cancellation
/Delivery_TAT TAT The order delivery time details
/Cart_mod cart modification
/Cart_modification cart modification
/cart_confer cart confirmation
/order_ID Asking order ID for invoice
/items_added Items added
/Missing_item Item Issue
/share_item to modify
/pitch_cancellation order cancellation.
/Error_message Error_message Error message while placing the order
/TI_Order Cancel Order
/Can't_modify Can't_modify_order Can't modify order
/Replacement_Available Replacement Available
/Replacement_charged Replacement Available, but is chargable
/Replacement_placed Replacement_placed Replacement placed
/Replalcement_Failed Replacement failed Refund provided
/Reason_for Reason_for_cancellation Reason for cancellation

Call related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/No_call call back
/Callback_15_mins Callback_15_mins callback arranged with TAT 15 min
/Callback_24_hrs within 24 hours

Chat related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/ED 2.1 Awaiting ED 2.1 Awaiting reply
/ED 2.2 Respond ED 2.2 Respond back
/Ed 2.3 Further Ed 2.3 Further assistance
/ED 3.1 Still ED 3.1 Still need further assistance
/Ed 3.2 Still Ed 3.2 Still connected, need further assistance
/ED 3.3 Still ED 3.3 Still waiting to help you with your query
/ED_Closing ED Closing
/wimo_transfer chat transfer
/Wait_Transfer Transfer Wait while transferring
/Chat_Transfer Chat Transfer
/Transfer_manager Transfer Manager
/Chat_Transfer Transfer Wait
/Nudge_to Nudge_to_email Nudge to email
/nudge_to to dominos
/transfer_chat to email
/rate_the the chat
/chat_closure chat closure
/Profanity_chat Profanity_chat_closure Profanity chat closure
/Profanity_warning Profanity Warning
/Dominos_Redirect Dominos Redirect
/SI1 Special Special Instructions
/SI2 Special Special Instructions
/Hold hold the chat
/hold put the details
/FRT put for 2 minutes
/still_connected Ask Cx if his/she is still connected
/Best_possible Best_possible_solution Best possible solution
/Wait Wait Wait Wait

Resolution related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/final_resolution Final resolution 1
/final_resolution Final resolution 2
/final_resolution Final resolution 3

Restaurant related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/Rx_No No_Confirmation
/Rx_No Confirmation_2 No confirmation from restaurant
/Restro_decided Restro_decided_deals The restaurant are the ones who decide the deals
/restro_accepted accepted order
/covid_DP DP_related Dp related covid awareness
/Rx_Accept Restaurant Accepted the order
/Rx_Closed Restaurant Closed
/Rx_request Rx_request_time Restaurant requesting extra time
/Rx hygiene Rx hygiene Restaurant hygiene

TL related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/TL_Approval TL Approval
/TL_Approval TL Approval not given

Payment or refund related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/payment_related related query
/payment_downtime not placed.
/Payment_Failed Payment not received. Request to contact bank.
/UPI_downtime UPI_downtime UPI downtime
/Can't_change be changed
/CNR_processed refund processed
/Manual_Refund Manual_Refund manual refund processed
/comp_diff difference amount
/diff_amt source account
/Delivery_fee smallest orders
/Delivery_Fee Fee_Charge distance-based delivery fee structure
/Del_Fee Educate_Cx reason for imposing delivery fee and distance-based delivery fee structure
/Payment_gateway Payment_gateway_amt_declined Payment gateway declined the transaction
/refund Refund refund Refund
/Payment_Refund Refund Query
/Refunded_coupon Refunded Coupon
/refund_initiated Refund Initiated to credit/debit card
/refund_net Refund Initiated to net banking
/refund_Sodexo Refund initiated to Sodexo
/refund_Source Source Refund initiated to source
/refund_UPI Refund initiated to UPI
/Refund_Wallet Wallet Refund initiated to wallet
/Refund_phonepay Amazon/Phone pay
/Refund_Failed Refund process failed TAT given
/Refund_Initiated Refund initiated TAT given
/Refund_bank Statement Refund processed asked to share bank statement
/Refund_request Refund_request_denied Refund denied
/Refund_completed Refund completed ID shared
/Refund_Source Source or SM?
/Cash_refund Refund TAT for cash payment
/Cash_refund Refund TAT for cash payment
/payment_issues with payment
/Payment_Refund Refund Query
/Payment_Refund Refund Query
/Tip_Reversal Reversal Denied
/Tip_Reversal After Delivery
/No_compensation No_compensation No compensation
/Unable_to Unable to Compensate
/No_refund No_refund_eligible Not eligible for refund

Offer or Coupon related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/No_sms No SMS offer
/Coupon_discount Coupon_discount Coupon discount
/Upcoming_deals Best Swiggy deals
/can't_apply applying coupon
/issued_coupon with details
/copoun_view view details
/Difference_amount Cx that a coupon can be issued for the difference refund amount. Ask cx wait for 48 hours.
/Coupon_related related issue
/Unable_to Unable_to_apply_coupon Cx unable to apply the coupon
/Unable_to Unable_to_apply_coupon_ss Cx unable to apply the coupon ask the share screenshot
/Swiggy_deals Swiggy Deals
/Best_offer This is the best we can do, ask the Cx to accept compensation
/No_compensation No_compensation No compensation
/Unable_to Unable to Compensate

Fee or Charges Compensation related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/cancellation_fee Cancellation Fee issue
/Cancelled_No No_Compensation order cancelled & no compensation provided
/Cancellation_free fee charged
/Deny_Compensation Deny_Compensation unable to validate the claim and deny compensation
/Surge_fee Surge Fee

Food related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/Food_prepared Food_prepared_birdflu Food already prepared during bird flu
/covid_feed during covid
/SI_hold SI_hold Call on hold for special instructions
/SI_accepted Special Instructions accepted
/SI_Not Not Followed
/SI_Denied SwiggyMoney
/SI_Denied Denied Cancellation
/Quality1 Quality Quality1 Quality of food issue
/Quality2 Quality Quality2 Quality of food issue

Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/price_slab Price slab
/COVID_Awareness Awareness on safety and hygiene during COVID
/Survey Survey Survey Survey
/Covid_safety Covid Safety
/hold Hold hold Hold
/One_time One_time_exception_1 One time exception
/one_time time exception
/Distance_Categories Categories Inform cx about the delivery distance details
/Dominos_Highlighted Highlighted_24hrs inform cx that Domino's team will get back within 24 hours
/ED_hold ED_hold ED hold
/ED_add ED_add_item ED add item
/Request_Forwarded Request_Forwarded our team will get back in 24 hours
/Further_queries to officeperks
/Freebie_Comp Comp_declined Freebie related issues
/arrange_Callback Callback Arrange callback
/email_special specialized team
/Need_more Need_more_time Need more time to look into the issue
/IOOS_go Items out of stock ask Cx to go with the suggested items
/Issue_Confirmed Highlighted DP highlighted issue, looking into the issue
/issue_resolved Issue resolved
/unable_to add items
/Swiggy_hub Swiggy Hub
/special_team special team
/share_screenshot Ask Cx to share a screenshot
/Distributing_mask Distributing_mask_1 Distributing mask 1
/Distribute_mask Distributing masks Cx complaning
/Email_Query Query Share query via email
/alternate_item same store
/remove_unavail unavailable item
/Potential_delay Potential_delay Issue resolved, potential delay in order delivery
/PQ_opening Priority Queue opening
/Precaution Precaution Precaution Precaution about personal safety & safety hygiene.
/prescription_upload prescription slip
/Prevention Educating No contact Delivery
/Price_Parity Parity Price related query
/Proactive_Gratification For Delay
/Hold Hold Hold Hold chat
/Callback_not Callback_not_available Callback facility not available
/release Release Release statement
/Change_Denied Denied Request for change denied
/Hold2 Hold Hold2 Hold

Services & Techinical Issue related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/curfew_service to curfew
/tech_issue tech issue
/app_issue log in.
/Downtime inform to wait
/serviceability_issue Serviceability issue
/service_disruption Disruption in Service
/service_disruption Disruption in Service
/App_issue App Issue
/technical_glitch Technical Glitch
/TI_Processed Processed TAT

Account related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/deactivate_account deactive account
/account_deactivation_TAT TAT TAT for account deactivation
/resaon_for for deactivation
/Email_Validation Validation_Failed unable to validate cx email address
/Wallet_active Wallet_active Cx walllet is active
/KYC_not KYC_not_done KYC not done
/KYC_process KYC Process
/Unsubscribe_from Unsubscribe_from_services Unsubscribe from services
/Verify_Email Email Verify email
/Verify_Contact Number Verify contact number
/valid_email Id Required

Escalation Deescalation related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/Deescalation_Legal Legal Cx threatning to go legal
/Deescalation_Management Ask the Cx for a chance to deescalate the issue
/Deescalation_Misc Deescalation_Misc deescalation
/Deesc_Religious Religious Sentiment
/Deescalation_SM Social Media
/SM_Escalation Media Escalation

issue and Image related
Sr. Shortcode Glosarry
/screenshots_via via email
/Request_receipt Request_receipt Request receipt & elaborate issue
/Issue_share Issue highlighted TAT
/request_for items photo
/image_validation valid images
/img_val review pending
/request_another another image
/unable_to the image
what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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