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Mum was a very charismatic and intelligent lady who was born in Kentucky. She faced many challenges during her lifetime and left home at 16. Studied neuropsychiatry at university. And had a lot going for her. Unfortunately, during times she faced issues.

She had a daughter named Danielle while very young. Who’s had a wonderful life, working for the Navy and becoming a successful dentist. She’s got two lovely daughters, who she’s brought up wonderfully. And my mother was amazed by her incredibly accomplishments and proud of her.

She’d had an exciting life, spending time in South Carolina. And then later meeting my Dad in Florida. They shared a lot of beautiful memories; while residing there. Later got married over there and fell pregnant with me.

They later moved to England; thus, I’ve spent mine here. The following year my brother was born Connor. We were like twins.

We always shared wonderful childhood memories with Mum. She’d always get us a wide variety of American candy (and we watched the Wizard of OZ on more occasions than one could ponder).

She was incredibly enviewastic about Halloween. She’d get us tremendous bags worth of costumes and every aspect one could think of. Bags of decorations, along with small carrying containers for our sweets.

However, due to her goody bags, we’d receive too much candy one could stomach. We always take massive carrier bags with us to get enough sweets to last us weeks.

Unfortunately, marriages don’t always pan out as we hope.

She ended up meeting a German guy with who she gave birth to a daughter named Taylor; we spent Christmas together, and I gave her a present. They later moved to Germany together; she loved the country fondly. I travelled around Europe and got married in Norway. She tried her hardest with her; she wouldn’t eat her meals without having her toy with her. Sadly passed away very early on.

Despite my parent's divorce, she’d continued to bring us huge bags full of snacks, candy and incredible presents; we shared wonderful movie nights with one another. And her Halloween tradition continued her favourite holiday.

Despite their separation, I’ve many find memories of her, especially Christmas‘ snd where we’d always recieve

Whlle she was brought up in Kentucky, she was raised to always provide for the less fortunate. Therefore each yesr, she’d bring suit cases over for us to give toys and clothes along with the billion teddg besrs we’d acquired from her over the years. To provide other kids with Birthday / Halloween / Christmas presentd to make other children’s childhood exerperiences special too.

Deslte the seperation, we were always in contact. We love doing video call, we could chat, help each other through difficult occasions, and along with her sharkng with me her entire childhood and extravagant experiences in early adolescence. She played the piano, amongst a wide variety of other instruments, excelled in school, partake in spelling bees and continuously won.

She had huge ambitions for her future; transitioning back over to America to spend quality time with her daughter, grandchildren and other members of her. And then returning to her favourite place of all, Florida; where she’d visited at three-year and recognised it was the location, she wanted to rekindle her memorable previous experiences in that state.

We’d discussed a plan for me to later move over there to spend and have great experiences with.

Her depiction of moving back to Florida was to “have her toes in the sand” llike she had experienced when she was a little girl.amazing the atmosphere and charismatic individuals of whom composed the state.

My philosophy’s to achieve her dream myself in the future with my toes in the sand.
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