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What are the Cenforce 100 mg tablets?
Cenforce 100 mg drug is helpful in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction, pre-ejaculation, and impotence has Sildenafil Citrate as its active ingredient. Active ingredient refers to the main constituent of the drug responsible for the reaction of the drug.
The drug is distributed and manufactured by Centurion Laboratories, in the Indian State of Gujarat.
It belongs to the class of PDE5 inhibitors, which means Sildenafil Citrate doesn’t let PDE5 function because PDE5 is responsible for the penis to lose its erection.
After using this drug, the erection will last even after the intercourse. This will invite you to go for the second round has to date erected many penises and helped achieve orgasm for many couples, leading to a happy married life.
Cenforce 100 mg is such a known drug that it is available in almost all the local stores, and if you prefer privacy then, it is also available on online pharmaceutical sites.
How can the drug Cenforce 100 mg furnish with its work in the body?
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is not a disease, but a medical situation in which the penis has lost its ability to remain erect. And if it gets erect within a few minutes again loses its erection.Usually, on sexual stimulation for any reason, the blood vessels on the penis expand, and blood pressure in other parts of the body is lowered. Thus, an increased supply of blood in the penis takes, which causes an erection.
But in the case of ED, after sexual stimulation, the blood vessels fail to expand, and due to low or no flow of blood in the penis, no or little erection takes place.
Cenforce 100 mg tablet comes as a boon in such situations. When the sildenafil citrate enters the bloodstream. It eases the pelvis muscles, lowers blood pressure, and helps in the expansion of the blood vessels of the penis. Hence, causing an erection that lasts long.

How long does it take for Cenforce 100 mg to work?
Well, if you want cent percent results, eat the pill 30 to 40 minutes before the sexual occasion.The duration of erection lasts from 4 to 5 hours. This duration depends on several factors.
If you are a smoking and alcohol addict, and you consume alcohol or smoke before or during sex. The pills lose their efficiency.And 4 to 5 hours is enough for attaining the premium pleasure of orgasm.
How to eat up the Cenforce 100 mg tablets?
The process of intake of Cenforce 100 mg tablets is very simple.
Gulp 1 pill of Cenforce 100 mg or as prescribed by the doctor with 1 glass of normal water.The pill should be swallowed as a whole and not be disintegrated into pieces or to be chewed.
Take the pill only with normal water. Using alcohol or other acidic beverage in place of water can cause adverse and unknown side effects.
Other Dosage
Cenforce 25mg
Cenforce 50mg
Cenforce 150mg
Cenforce 200mg
Cenforce 100 mg Storage Conditions
Cenforce 100 mg needs to special environment or equipment for its storage, like cold storage.
Temperatures ranging from 14oC to 35oC are the most favorable.Keep the drug away from warm and moisture-rich places or areas in your house or factory.
The moisture may react with the drug and get unnecessarily wasted.
Cenforce 100 mg Side Effects
Side Effects of a drug depend on some reasons. Side effect necessarily doesn’t mean that the drug is ineffective or unsafe to use. Some drugs show side effects in one person but work fine in another person. Then, there are illegal drugs that are unsafe for everyone.
Some drugs show side effects that are very minor and easily ignorable like headache, constipation, loose motion, or laziness. But some drugs show fatal ones which can put one’s life in danger. Side effects related to Cenforce 100 mg are:

High blood pressure
Blurred vision
Loss of vision (in critical circumstances)
Stomach ache
Pain in Chest
Joint pain
Swollen skin
Appearance of Sores
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