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Belief systems -
include both religions and philosophies
these systems provide people rules and guidelines on how people should live their lives
many of the religions began during the foundations era
they mainly exist to explain basic questions of human existence
-Where did we come from?
-What happens after death?
-What is the nature of human relations?
Polytheism -
the earliest form of religeon, belief in many spirits.
perceptions of the gods varied from one civilization to the next
Monotheism -
idea first attributed to israelites
growth of monotheistic regions was slow
Hinduism -
aryans were credited because they invaded this sub continent ~2,000 years ago
belief that one universal spirit exists and guides all life on earth
piece of atman trapped in living creatures
Hindus believe that there are many gods but Para Brahman is the ultimate singular deity
Buddhism -
founded by siddhartha guatama couldn't find meaning in life when rich
gave it all up to become an ascetic
caste system based on individual dharma
Four Noble Truths can be removed by Eightfold Path
Goal is to achieve nirvana (when one soul unites with a universal spirit)
Buddha means teacher
Judaism -
First clearly monothistic religion centered around an agreement covenant between god and the jewish people
ten commandments set guidelines for human relationships
Not a heavy emphasis placed on converts God's chosen peioke
Abraham and his family the first Jewish people
Considered a root religion
Islam -
Monotheistic faith based on the prophet Muhammad, Believers that jesus and moses are all messengers of the one true God
Islam means submission to the will of god
Five Pillars of Islam
faith, prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, alms
1 of the 3 key belief systems which emerged during the warring states period
confucius witnessed the demise of Chinese empire into shambles. Conclusion was that mandate of heaven had been lost. Due to poor behavior by the emperor and subjects
Confucius emphasized the importance of Harmony, Order, and OBEDIENCE.
Stated if relationships between people were solid life would be good
Emperor = Subjects
Father = Son
Older Brother = Younger Brother
Husband = Wife
Friend = Friend
Daoism -
Founded by Laozi around the 4th century BCE
AKA the way or path
Dao is the force of the cosmos
Bad things happen in the world because people resist the Dao,
desires corrupt us
Wuwei, disengagement of the individual from affairs of the world
Focus on the self and reflection
Acceptance of conditions
Live simply in harmony with nature
Legalism -
Third belief system to arise from warring state period
Very different from the others
Believed that laws should be enforced objectively and punishment should be harsh and swift
This is credited to Shi Huangdi first emperor of Qin dynasty
Qin dynasty responsible for restoring order to the Chinese empire
How might legalism be responsible for this return to order?
Greek rationalism the ancient greeks did not make a religious system rather they tried to understand the relationship between the physical world and natural laws
Is it possible to understand these natural laws through observation
Rationalism was created as a response to
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