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Tiger rising

Rob and his frainds liked the new girl and wen the got off the bus and walked down the ally with swager but nor rob and robs frainds wespird to the new girl and rob was traing to hear wath they wer wispiring.wen the girl enter her classwith her pink dress evreonewas stering at her with thear mouth open thinking she was from a other planet.she intrudosed her self in front of calss and she sed that she heats the porsons from south because they are ignorent.whiel rob was tring to remember the tigers eyes and the techer told him they need him in the offec.wen rob got to the offec the offec smelld like "pipe tabacco" and then they enterd the offec and the principal cleard his throth and asked rob if he puts the medecen and so the principal asked him if he wanted to stay home a cople of days intul he is feeling good so the princiapal wrote a note to his dad.wen it was lunch time he eat by his self and sat at the banch nadvthen sall a girl fithing wath a group af kids and rob yelld at the group of kids to leave her at her and they sterd at rob and he ran but they started to follow him and stoped bothering him so rob got leat to english class because he had to wlak all the way from the front of shcool to english class.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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