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Programmers: Play with Minecraft's Inner Workings!

Nathan hopes that providing the Minecraft community access to Brigadier will make it "extremely user-friendly one day." In the end commands aren't often used by a large number of Minecraft players. "Some people don't even look at commands because they're intimidating and I totally understand why," says Nathan. "This is supposed help a lot with that."

Brigadier takes the random strings of text that you type into Minecraft and transforms them into a real function the game will execute (so you've got Brigadier to thank for all those sticks). "A majority of people think that this is a simple task," says Nathan. "But the reality is that it's extremely complicated.

"This was our first experience of the system. It's a fantastic idea that anyone can take and apply to any kind of project. It doesn't even have to be a game - I've seen some people trying to make use of it in chat bots on telegram You can simply contact it and it'll perform the task you're asking it do." It's great!

Brigadier has been in beta for just over an entire week, and we've seen people trying to improve the code, and even make Nathan's handy readme doc a bit more attractive and user-friendly! Are you writing things for Nathan for free? Do you want to make me quit my job?

DATA Fixer Upper

"The name is so ridiculous that we have to keep it," explains Nathan, without hesitation. DataFixerUpper is exactly what it says, and it's one of the most important parts of the Minecraft game engine. It's also the second library we're opening up!

"The problem we face in Minecraft, that I'm pretty certain every game has, is that data is changing as time passes," says Nathan. "We add something new to Minecraft and then we need to change how we store level information, the way we save files and other stuff to accommodate it.

"You can open any Minecraft world right now and have data that hasn't changed for six years, because the last time you used that chunk was six years ago. We must know: "OK, this level is actually quite old. We're now required to transform that old data into what it ought to appear to be now - in a way that the game can be read.'

"We have one small unit that makes use of DataFixerUpper that tells Minecraft: 'this is how you can convert everything into the data format that the game is going to use.' And so the game is now only saying 'This is what the data looks like, so this is how I'm going to read it.'

"Basically, before Minecraft actually loads the chunks, it passes through DataFixerUpper and it is then transformed into what it is supposed to be."

Confused? It's okay It's okay - DataFixerUpper might not be as user-friendly than Brigadier but that's exactly why we offer it to anyone!

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