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Dear Laila,
Im not sure how to put this in words but i wanted to say, Thank you for making my life more happier than ever, thank you for all the calls we made and all the times you took your hours away just for a simple, wired girl like me. Thank you for all thoose nights you stayed up with me and put me too sleep by reading horror stories (no wonder why i love horror so much now heheh). I really can believe how i could find a someone like you because you are the weirdest (in the best way possible ofc :) )and cutest and prettiest person ever. I actually cant believe its been like 4-5 years already and through out those years we have only had 3 sleepovers like girl what, well 4 now hopefully that we will have a slepver in some days but if your reading this now that means my letter got to you and that im at your house and AHHHHH im so happy while writting about this and thinking about our sleepover because if we get to have a 4-5 day sleepover as i REALLYYYY WANTED then this means thats the longest amount of time ive ever been to your house like YAYAAYA. I wanted to just tell you in this letter that you are reading that i really love yaaaa as your best friend because out of all of them i know you are the real one that was always by my side no matter how much i annoyed you, we allways found a way back. And i really wanted to apologise also for when i was younger like a couple years back i was such a horrible person in my opinion becuse i really strugled with my sister , you know how before she was so harsh on me and then i was sometimes quite harsh on you and i wanted to apologise for being that person, i was still quite young and i hated the way i talked to some people mostly the ones i loved the most but its just the way i grew up being, from experiance. but now i feel like im bit by bit starting to grow out of that someone and guess who kinda helped me it was YOU so thank you. Anywayyyy hope your going to enjoy your sleepover with me if anything goes wrong then im still happy i made this letter for you and maybe one day i can give it to you. And i hope we will get along pretty well in the days i will be with you, if no then lets just say sorry and enjoy the time we have becasue in the past sleepovers i do regret some things and i hope we will be happy together for that little days we gonna be together. DONT WASTE ANY MOMENTS GURLLLSSSSS HEHEEE ILY
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Regards; Team

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