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Meeting Notes:
Date: 2/15/2022
Attendees: Paul, Juan, Pastor
Location: Zoom


Update on the NGO process
Discussion on the robbery incident
Request for laptop and phone
Update on church services and NGO status
Recommendations for transactions
Meeting Summary:

Juan shared updates on the NGO process, stating that a lawyer will assist with the process for free, but there will be a cost for paperwork.
Juan and Pastor shared about a robbery incident where they were victims and lost a backpack containing a Bible, laptop, and phone.
Juan expressed a need for a laptop for work and is willing to use a used phone.
Pastor Simons informed the group that the church does not have an NGO status as it is a ministry with a hearing church service.
Juan informed the group that he is currently living with Pastor Simons temporarily and his home is a 16-hour drive away.
Juan asked if the church would be willing to provide a bank account and address for transactions with or without NGO status.
Juan recommended using Western Union and DHL for transactions.
Action Items:

Juan will invite leadership to join the Zoom meeting.
Juan will send the church's bank account information to Paul.
Juan will share the church's address for shipping purposes.
Juan will provide information on the cost of the NGO paperwork.
Paul will discuss with the team how to send a phone and money with or without NGO status.
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Regards; Team

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